"You don't have to of course. If you're busy, that's fine. Of course you're probably busy, you're brilliant and will probably be studying. Unless someone already asked you, then that's fine too. Actually, it's likely someone already did ask you. I mean, you are lovely. I was stupid to assume no one had asked you yet- why are you smiling at me like that?"

  Delilah was biting her lip harshly as she attempted not to laugh. Elio's face was twinged pink and he'd been running a hand through his already messy hair throughout his entire rant.

  "No, I'm not busy. No, no one has asked me yet. Yes, I will go with you to Hogsmeade." She stated and could visibly see relief as well as embarrassment fill his features. He cleared his throat and turned back to his plate, refusing to look at her. "Right then, lovely."

  An amused smirk appeared on Delilah's face and she patted Elio on the back. "Don't brood, your rambling was rather entertaining."

  "More like annoying." Olive said as she sat down next to Tom. It was clear the brunette still didn't like Delilah, but in the past month and a half they seemed to reach a cease fire. "Tom, do you have a date to Hogsmeade?" Olive asked him and he didn't look as her as he flicked through his Potions notes.

  "No, I do not." He said politely, but it didn't sound like an invite to ask him either.

  A date? Delilah blinked at Elio before turning to Lolita. In a low whisper she asked, "did I agree to a date with Elio?" Lolita raised an eyebrow at her, as if she was stupid. "Yes, I thought that was quite obvious. Do you not want it to be a date?" Delilah shifted in her seat and she'd suddenly lost her appetite.

  Her eyes wandered over to the staff table to see Dumbledore in deep discussion with Kettleburn and frowned as she thought back to a meeting they had two days ago.

  She was just about to leave his office when he called after her. "Miss Pontmercy." He said calmly, although his tone had undercurrents of seriousness.

  "Yes, sir?" Delilah walked back to stand in front of his desk and felt see through all of the sudden as his eyes pierced hers. "I know you probably do not need to hear this, however it is important I stress the point." Delilah furrowed her brows at him but nodded.

  "Now, I realize it is inevitable for you to become... attached, if you are here for a prolonged time. But I warn you that it'll be dangerous if you allow yourself to fall in too deep. Whether it be platonic love: that of friendship, which is a strong force. Or that of romance."

  A blush crept its way up her neck and Delilah cleared her throat. "I assure you, that will most definitely not happen." Dumbledore smiled at her, his eyes twinkling. "We don't choose who we love, nor can we choose when it happens. Reason and love keep little company together."

  At her skeptical look he sighed. "Nevertheless I urge you to be cautious. When the time arrives for you to return home, you might be hesitant to leave those who you've grown close to behind."

  Delilah chewed numbly on her sandwich. That conversation had been rattling in her mind constantly. She wasn't worried, but Dumbledore seemed to be. How could she possibly fall in love? She hadn't in the seventeen years she's been alive.

  Her chest tugged at the thought of Blaise.

  But no. She didn't love him, not in a romantic sense, Delilah thought she did at first. But it had been simple infatuation with each other. And after a few night of ridiculous teenage hormones either in an empty hallway or abandoned classroom, they decided to remain as close friends.

  So why would she suddenly fall victim now? Although the universe did seem to be against her lately.

  At the thought, she turned her gaze to Elio. He seemed to calm down from his awkward ramble, currently arguing with Abraxas on which strategy they should use in the upcoming Quidditch match.

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