dean x reader ⇸ bday boy

535 21 0

Word Count: 599

Warnings: fluffs

A semi-platonic, fluffy, drabbly imagine about a special man's birthday, enjoy :)

Dean can't know, Cas." You begged your angel friend "It's not like you haven't lied to him before." You flashed a cheesy grin that made the angel sigh.

"Fine, Y/N. But if  Dean gets mad I will not be the one to take the blame." You figured that was fair enough, and thanked him before he disappeared.

"Streamers: check." You mumbled as you skimmed the list of materials. You needed a lot more before the end of the day, but you had the time. You convinced Sam to keep Dean on the hunt for the majority of the day, until you texted him the ok.

Heading to local party supply stores, you collected and crossed items off the list. The last stop was the cake. Since you left yourself time by ordering ahead, you had considered whether to make the cake in the shape of Cain's mark or a devil's trap, but after deep thought, you went with a classic: the impala.

The cake was exquisite, beautifully crafted, and looked just like the car Dean adored so much. It was even surrounded by cupcake-sized pies. It was costly, but for such a special occasion you didn't mind. Even so, it wasn't you, but Barbra Bingleheim, paying for it anyway.

"Just stall him a liiiitle bit longer, Sammy." You pleaded, balancing your phone on your shoulder as you hunt the decorations around the motel room "I'll try, but you owe me one." He reminded you. You heard a distant voice in the background "Is that Y/N?" The phone was grabbed "Hey Y/N." You heard Dean's voice ring out in a childish tone. "Hey birthday boy" you chimed. He chuckled "What am I, five?"

"Mentally, maybe" you replied playfully. You two talked for a bit more about the hunt before they had to hang up. After putting the phone down, you rushed to finish decorating.

The boys were on their way back, so you prayed to Cas, who showed up immediately. You explained surprised to him, and taught him how to surprise Dean once he walked in. As the key jangled in the door, you turned the lights off and got into place.

"Surprise!" You both yelled as Sam turned on the light. Out of instinct, dean pulled his gun out, aiming it in the room before his mind registered what was going on around him. "What is this?" He asked, scanning the streamers and confetti around the room. "Your birthday party, silly!" He looked over at Sam and Cas "It was all Y/N's  idea." His brother affirmed.

He holstered his gun and rushed to hug you, only stopping once he saw the cake. "Is this what I think it is?" You nodded "You never do anything for your birthday, so I just wanted to do something special for you." He enveloped you in a hug "What did we do to deserve you?"  He asked

"Nothing, which is why y'all better love and cherish me." You joked back. With you still in his arms, he pulled back to look at you and kissed you on the forehead. " I could really love and cherish you if you went on that date with me." He reminded you with a smirk. "In your dreams, Winchester." You had to admit, it would be nice going out with your best friend, but you knew, especially in the hunting business, that could get messy, so you both loved each other from afar.

"Now how about some cake?" You asked, locking arms with him as you all circled the motel table with plates.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 17, 2019 ⏰

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