"Sounds like a lovely vacation." H cheers, adding something when Pete frowns at him. "For others, I mean. For us it's just part of our work, of course."

"A real appearance as Steps on tv." Lisa says, minding more about the tv performance than about our filming location. "That's so exciting!" 

It's obvious to tell how happy and excited we all are, yet we're also seem to think about if the people will even like our music. But Pete still seems hesitant too. "I knew that you all would like that. Of course you still need a bit of dance training and rehearsals in general. But I'm satisfied with how quickly you guys are learning at the moment." he says. It's truly a compliment to hear things like this, especially if someone as known as this man says it. He already worked with popular bands and singers, being able to produce really good music. "The show where you will be performing also features another band, they're actually pretty good." he explains, showing us an album of theirs. "Might I introduce you to 'The Rockers' as they named their band. They do rock music, obviously."

"I know them." I say, before thinking about if the others are even interested in this fact. "They were at the radio, I heard a song of them while at work. They're great and rock music is so amazing!"

"That's nice." Lee answers. "And now we aspire to be played on the radio."

"The show might be the perfect idea." Claire joins our conversation. "I read that several artists who appeared on this show were able to reach success with their music."

"Well, that sounds indeed perfect for us!" H exclaims. 

"Are we going to meet the other band?" I ask, a bit shyly.

"Yes, you will."

"Why? Are you secretly in love with one of their members?" H teases me.

"No! They just seem nice and they're like celebrities. Wouldn't you all like to meet a celebrity?" I say with a laugh. "You're such a teasing person."

"Of course we all would like to meet a celebrity." Claire replies.

"I bet you're also excited to perform on this show and meet this band - though they're not that famous yet, but we aren't famous yet either." Lisa adds, looking at the boys with a smile. 

It's really nice of them to support my explanation even if I guess it's obvious that I don't only like the members of this band because they're talented at singing - as the others probably know. These guys from 'The Rockers' are also quite handsome and are so talented, I bet meeting them is so amazing as well. And besides I'm single, so what if I fancy them a bit.

"As much as I like so see how good you guys get along with each other, I want to remind you of your dance rehearsal." Pete interrupts our moment of being lost in our respective thoughts. Oh, yeah. That will be entertaining. The dance that suits this music is definitely not a dance style people learn for performing on stage. We enter the car that Pete offers us to travel with, silently looking out of the window, as he drives down the street to a small dance studio about which existence we all didn't even knew. "There we are. It's not far from the recording studio, which is perfect for you." he explains, leading us to the studio, where a choreographer is already waiting for us. 

"So, you are Steps?" he asks and we agree with a proud smile, while introducing ourselves. "I will show you the dance I prepared for this song of yours. It's not that difficult, because the music video will only contain a little bit of dancing. Understood?"

"Yes." Claire answers for us. It seems like she takes the duty of being like our band leader - not that we mind about that. She seems to be quite mature and a bit like a sister to us all, so it's perfect.

"Good. So, look at me and try to dance exactly as I do." he smiles. As we spent the time with trying do dance as perfectly as our choreographer does, I think about how much enjoyment this all is. Singing is already amazing, but when dancing is added, it's simply great. I love it. Though we look a bit wooden, but our choreographer is a nice man and he is very understanding, showing us how to work on our dancing, without being mean or something. The choreography isn't that difficult, of course we still need to learn but I really thought this dancing aspect was more difficult. And besides, we'll be supported by backing dancers so it must go fairly well. "So, guys. That's it with rehearsals for now, don't forget what I told you, we will continue to practice until this man here" he says, pointing at Pete, "is satisfied."

We just grin weirdly in agreement, probably we're busy enough with thinking about the song and the small dance included in the music video. Or we're already thinking about this show, who knows. 

But I can definitely tell that, while we're sitting in the car and genuinely smile at each other in silence, we're happy to be a part of this band together.

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