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Peters P.O.V

That's all I can say. I have honestly 100% fucked myself. I had less then 8 hours to find a fake boyfriend, and less than 12 hours to get wade 4 million dollars. Why do I get myself in these situations?

I thought of asking Ned to be my fake boyfriend, but pops and dad already know that he's just my best friend. And there's literally no other guy at school who would willing lie to Ironman and Captain America. Well, except one.

Either way, I had to get ready for school. I got up on time for once and actually had time to eat breakfast.

When I entered the kitchen, Dad was sitting there reading the newspaper. I decided to do something nice for him after last night, so I got him some coffee.

"Hey dad, I made you a nice hot cup of coffee."

Dad looked at me and chuckled.

"Thanks kid."

He took it and stared at it.

"It's cold."

"Nice cup of coffee."

He then took a sip. As soon as it hit his tongue, he gagged a bit.

"It tastes horrible."

"Cup of coffee."

"Kid I'm not sure if this is even coffee."


Dad then busted out laughing.

"You're right kid it is a cup. Nice try though."

Dad then got up and dumped the coffee and made himself som actual move hot coffee.

After that, I made myself some breakfast and waited for aunt Nat to show. When she did, she gave me a hug before ushering me into her car. The ride was surprisingly silent except for the soft music playing. That didn't help with the over bearing anxiety I was feeling.

"Peter I know you think that your dads made me give you a ride to question you about last night."

"What noooo..." she just have me a side look of disbelief.

I sighed,"Yeah I did. But you can't blame me! They used to do that when I was a kid!"

"Yeah your dads are strange, but I promise you that I'm not. I've actually been planning to give you rides to school every morning for a while now since you're always late."

I blushed in embarrassment.

"Hey it's not my fault school starts at an ungodly hour!"

Aunt Nat just laughed. When we pulled up to the school, I gave her a hug goodbye and rushed in. I wasn't late to school, but I also wasn't early. I made my way to my locker when MJ walked up to me.

"Well look who's early today."

"Yeah aunt Nat drove me today."

"So how's being grounded?"

"Not good," I shut my locker and faced MJ.

"I'm actually in some deep shit right now thanks to me not being able come up with good lies fast enough."

"What did you do?"

"I snuck out to see Wade and came back late, so now I have to find a fake boyfriend so they don't meet Wade."

MJ just looked at me.

"Peter do you really think you can find a believable fake boyfriend?"

I shook my head.

"Then why not just let them meet Wade? It would be a lot less trouble if you just let them meet him then you taking a fake boyfriend and getting caught with a fake."

"I hate it when you're right MJ."

The bell for first period rang and I made the executive decision to ditch school.

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