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Peter's P.O.V
I sat in my last class of of the day brainstorming how to finally tell Wade that I a in deed everyone's Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. I knew the exact location where I was going to tell him (and what excuse to use on my dads so I could get there) but I had no idea exactly how to tell him. I know can't just go "Hey my lovely boyfriend, you know how you wanted to kill Spider-Man for money and how he said he'd give you more money to not kill him? Well he can't give you that money because he's me, and I don't think dad or pops would appreciate me giving you 4 million just so you don't kill me plus you should just not kill him because he's me and you love me and want me alive." Plus, once he knows that I am Spider-Man I know for a fact he's going to freak out about the fact he tried to kill me even though technically he didn't know it was me.
Before I could continue with these thoughts, the dismissal bell rang throughout the classroom.

I slowly started to pack up my things still trying to exactly figure out what to say to him. On autopilot, I made my way back down to my locker to grab my homework and other textbooks before I felt someone push me against my locker.

"Will anyone in this school ever tire of using my poor locker as a weapon?"

Before I could even voice this thought, I felt the persons hands leave my shoulder. I turned around to see someone from my history class and none other then Flash himself.

"Trust me dude," Flash said to the guy," he's not worth it." And with that Flash and the guy walked off, but not before the guy spat at me.

As they walked off, I could hear rapid footsteps approach me. I stood there in slight shock as MJ and Ned made their way into my field of vision.

"Did Flash just harass you again? Because if he did we can go get someone or even call one of your dads to fix this. Man, you'd think Flash would have better things to do then be a transphobic piece of shi-"

"He called me 'he,'" I said interrupting Neds rant.

"Wait... seriously?" MJ asked looking down the hall where Flash disappeared.

"Yeah... and he got that other guy to back off me."

"Weird," Ned stated.

And like that the topic was dropped.

Knowing that my uncles were waiting for me outside of the school, I quickly opened my locker and grabbed all the things I needed out of there.

"Your uncles picking you up from school or is another one of your super family members coming to get you?" MJ asked.

"Not sure," I said closing my locker,"guess I'll find out when you do." With that the 3 of us headed outside.

When we got outside, I was surprised to see Uncle Sam and Uncle Bucky not sitting in the car waiting for me. Instead, they were standing outside the car leaning on it and staring at me with blank almost angry expressions. However, Uncle Sam let a small smirk appear when he saw me so I knew whatever was about to happen was all just for dramatics.

"Damn Peter did you piss in their corn flakes or something this morning?" Ned said shivering at their intense stares.

"No. I think they are just being dramatic for-" and that's when I remembered our conversation from this morning.

'"Yeah, but watch what you say. Next thing you know, he'll say he supports Deadpool,' Sam joked.

I saw that we were pulled up to the school so I decided to make my last words count.

'Of course I do! Why wouldn't I support my caring boyfriend?' With that I ran out of the car to the entrance of the school.

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