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Peter's P.O.V
It was time. I opened the door leading to the roof of the tower, and saw Wade already there sitting on the edge with his feet swinging back and forth. I took a deep breath before approaching him. I began fo count backwards from 10 as I made my way to him trying to stop my hands from shaking so much. To say I'm nervous would probably be the biggest understatement of the century. After telling Wade my secret identity, he would be the only person to know everything about me. I just hope he sees this in a positive light.

As I approached him, I heard him talking to himself..

"No, we aren't leaving. Petey said he'd be here and I trust that he will be. He's probably just late tonight or already found some baddies to chase. Listen, I don't care if it's already 9:48 we aren't leaving until we see him!"

As he finished his rant, I sat myself beside him scaring him in the process. He almost fell off the roof of the tower, however thanks for my spidey senses and my strength, I quickly pulled him back onto the roof. Maybe a bit more than necessary since he ended up on his back a good 3 feet away from the ledge.

"My god Petey!" He said standing up and dusting himself off," if you wanted to break my back that badly I could've offered a more fun solution."

"Have I ever told you you're insufferable?" I said walking over to him.

"Only like.... 1,378 times."

"You keep track?"

"Always babe," he said with a wink. "Anyway, what are you doing up here? Don't tell me Spider-Man already left."

My heart rate began to speed up. This was it. This was the time to tell him.

"Woah baby are you ok?" He took my hand and pulled me into a hug.

As much as it pained me, I placed my hands in his biceps and pulled away from the hug  looking down.

"Ok now you're really scaring me. You never push away my hugs. What's wrong? Did your dads do something? If they did I'll write them a very strongly worded email about it! I mean, I would offer to kick their asses, but I don't think you'd like that very much. Plus then they would probably ban me from seeing you which also isn't go-"

"Wade, I love you, but please stop talking for like 2 minutes ok?" I asked finally looking up at him.

"Sorry," he said looking down,"I'm just worried about you, and that makes me nervous. Are you sure you're ok?" He gently gripped my hands that were still on his biceps and held them between us.

"Everything's fine. Well maybe everything's fine, I don't- I don't really know." My eyes had landed back on the ground as I started talking. As if he could sense my knees wobbling, Wade gently guided us both to the ground to sit.

"Ok so everything could be potentially fine, it just depends on how you react to what I have to say I guess," I looked back up at him as I finished.

Even through the mask I could see his face fall. He quickly took his mask off, and looked at me with panicked eyes.

"Petey," he started, his voice shaking," Are you about to break up with me?"

"WHAT!? Oh my god no!" I quickly engulfed him in a hug. "Wade I promise you there's almost nothing you could do to make me break up with you!" I pulled away and grabbed his face forcing him to look at me. "Wade I love and trust you so much. There is literally nobody else on this planet I trust more than you. Hell, you're about to know more about me then even my dads know."

"What do you mean?" He asked pulling my hand from his face to hold them in his lap.

"Spider-Man hasn't left the roof already. He's right here in front of you."

Wade looked at me dumbfounded. "Peter, I don't know how to tell you this, but you're in front of me."

"I know that Wade. I'm telling you I am Spider-Man."

A look of horror settled onto his face. "No," he shook his head and let go of our hands. "No, there's no way you're Spider-Man baby boy, don't even joke about that."

"I'm not Wade. I'm really not, I can even prove it to yo-" before I could finish he stood up and backed away from me.

"No, you can't prove it because you aren't Spider-Man. You can't be! That means I tried to kill you Petey! I'd never do that! I can't- I-" he gripped his head and screamed in pain. "SHUT UP!"

Before I could say anything, he pulled out his teleporter and with a click of a button, he was gone.

I stood there taking in everything that just happened. I knew that once he knew he would freak out, but I wasn't expecting that to happen. I felt a few tears fall down my chin. I wanted to go and comfort Wade, but I didn't know exactly where he was or if it would be beneficial.

I pulled out my new phone and scrolled down to his contact.

From Peter: I know you aren't ready to speak to me after what I just told you, but when you are ready to talk I'll be here. I love you Wade, please don't forget that.

"Son! You up here?" I turned around and saw my Pops walking onto the roof.

He quickly spotted me and the tear tracks on my face near the ledge of the tower. Not really the best place to cry in hindsight. Before I could even explain myself, my pops was running towards me. He wrapped me in his arms and pulled me towards the door.

"Peter," he said with a panicked tone, "no matter what's going on in your life right now, ending it is not the solution. You can talk to us you know? We're here-"

"Pops I wasn't gonna jump!" I interrupted. "I just had a small fight with Wade."

Immediately his mood shifted from Panicked Dad ™ to Protective Dad™.

"Peter," he said guiding me down the stairs. "Now I need you to tell me where he lives so I can go have a little talk with him. Nobody makes my son cry."

"Pops it wasn't like that," I said exasperated. "He didn't even do anything. It's all my fault." I stopped walking then and stared at the ground. "It's my fault that I'm upset. If I would have just told him the truth since the beginning none of this would have happened." I dropped down to the ground and began to sob.

I had no one to blame for how I felt except for myself. These are the consequences of my own actions. I know that for the greater good I have to keep my identity a secret, but if keeping it a secret hurts the ones I love, is it really worth it? How can I protect anyone, if in the end telling the people I love who I really am ends up hurting them?

Before my thoughts could spiral more, Pops quickly pulled me into a hug.

"Peter," he started," I don't know what's going on, and you don't have to tell me, but just know that whatever happened between you two, you'll get through it. I hate to admit it son, but I know that he really cares about you. No matter what happened between you two, I'm sure that you'll both fix it, and look back on this and laugh. But for now," he wiped the tears from my face and helped me stand up," let's go eat dinner. And if you feel like it, we can have a movie night tonight. That always used to make you feel better when you were younger."

I smiled,"Yeah it really did, and I'd love that pops. Thank you." He pulled me into one last hug before we both headed to the kitchen.

A/N: hey look! It didn't take me 5 months to update! I think it's not even been a full month since I posted my last chapter so Yee haw. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter but don't expect the next chapter soon. We know how I am at this point so ¯\_()_/¯ thank you guys for all the comments and votes you guys leave. I read and reread every comment you guys leave and they always make my day/night. I don't say this enough but I really love you guys. Hope you all have a good day/night.

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