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I knew dad got home when JARVIS alerted me of his arrival. I didn't know if I should go meet him in the living room or stay in my room, so I stayed in my room.

Even though he said he was ok with me being trans, I was still scared. I mean it wasn't ideal that he found out I was trans thanks to cyber bullying. I was interrupted from my thoughts by a knock at the door.

I knew it was dad so I muttered a "Come in."

He entered my room, closed the door, and made his way over to me.

"Hey kiddo," he said sitting down.

"Hi dad," I replied.

"So do you want to explain to me why happened today or should we just skip that part and get this kid expelled," he said staring at me.

Now don't get me wrong, Flash is a dick, but I was against getting him expelled.

"Dad no. We can't get him expelled," I said.

"And why not? Based of this video, he could be expelled for bullying. This type of behavior shouldn't be tolerated. At all. And normally I would allow you to handle this yourself ,because it's my belief that since you're 17 you should be able to handle your own decisions, but since apparently your solution is to let him keep bullying you, I have to intervene. Now you have two options here, and I'll let you pick, we can either go to the school about this, or to Flash and his parents. Your choice."

I knew that arguing for a third option was out of the question. If I told the school, they would either do nothing or expelled him. Since my dad is the one and only Tony Stark, the school would probably do something. Him getting expelled would probably result in the beating of a life time when he saw me again. If I told his parents, then the worse would probably him getting his car or something taken away. He might be pissed and beat me but it'll be less intense than if I got him expelled.

"Um, I guess flash and his parents."

Dad nodded while pulling out his phone.

"We'll talk to them after school tomorrow, but for now, get some sleep. We'll talk more in the morning." With that, he kisses my forehead and left.

I was about to fall asleep, when something large hit my window and made a loud "THUNK" noise.

Assuming that it was a stupid pigeon, I looked over and almost shit my pants. I did not expect to see Deadpool there in full uniform, with baby arms holding his phone, with the bullying video pulled up, glaring at me.

I quietly got up and opened the window. As soon as I did, he fell into the room and started to yell before I started to shush him.

"My dads home right now Wade! Shut up!"

He got up and glared at me harder.

"Good! Then he can help me track this fucker and unalive him!"

I had never seen Wade this angry. I swear I could see steam coming out of his ears.

"Of course I'm fucking mad Peter! A transphobic asshole is bullying you and not only did you not tell me, but you let him do that to you! You need to stick up for yourself! You need to deal with him! You stuck up for me when assholes are being bitchy to me so I'm going to stick up for you when people are being bitchy to you!"

Before he could say anything else, I wrapped him in a hug.

"Thanks wade," I said holding on to him tight.

He wrapped his baby arms around me as tight as he could.

"No problem Peter, but please start sticking you for yourself."

"I will," I lied.

"Lies~" he said in a sing song voice.

He pulled away from the hug and led me back to bed.

"How did you even see the video? Aren't you like against using social media cause of the whole mercenary thing?" I asked.

"Yeah but I got a job and needed helped tracking them. Luckily, they were one of those douche bags that documents their entire lives on instagram. Well since I got it I though 'Maybe I should see what my baby boy posts,' and that's how I saw."

I nodded.

I started to fall asleep as soon as I sat down on the bed.

"Go I sleep Peter. I'll see you tomorrow."

I nodded as I laid down. Before I went to sleep, I saw Deadpool look over at something in my room. I watched as he walked over and grab it before leaving. I had no idea what he grabbed but I was too tired to care, so I just went to sleep.

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