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Third person P.O.V

Now, when ever a parent says "I want to talk to you about something," it is always a safe bet to go ahead and prepare your last's words. Peter was currently doing so as he watched the doors to the elevator close.

"Well here it comes," Peter thought,"dad's gonna tell me he found my suit, and he doesn't want me to continue being Spider-Man."

However, that wasn't the case here.

"Here," was all Tony said as he handed Peter a box.

"I didn't know my suit could fit in such a small box," Peter thought as he cautiously opened the box.

Thankfully it wasn't his suit inside the box, but rather a new phone.

"Luckily," Tony started,"when you destroyed your phone you didn't damage the SIM card so, you have all your old photos and contacts. However, I deleted all your social medias and put a 'parental control' on your phone so you can not redownload them." He put his hand on Peter's shoulder before continuing. "It's not that I don't trust you or anything by doing that Peter, but after what happened I don't want you on any social media for the time being."

"It's ok dad, I understand," Peter said giving him a smile. "Thank you for the new phone." With that the elevator doors dinged signaling that they had reached the living room.

"Alright then kiddo," Tony said stepping out," I'm going to go start on dinner, want anything in particular?"

"No dad, I'm fine," Peter answered heading to the stairs.

"Ok, I'll let you know when it's ready." And with that they parted ways.

Peter quickly made his way up the stairs to his room. Once there, he locked his door before pulling out his new phone and texting Wade.

From Peter: I was able to track Spider-Man.

God he hoped this plan would work.

From Wade: YOU DID!?!!?!?! ALREADY!?!?! Damn baby boy you work fast! Where is he? I'll go to him now.

From Peter: that's the thing, I don't actually know where he is currently BUT I looked at our security footage from outside and apparently each night he sits on the roof of the tower for patrol. So if you want to you could come here tonight and wait on the roof for him.

From Wade: have I ever told you that you're a genius?
From Wade: And that your hot?
From Wade: And that I'm lucky to have you?
From Wade: And that I love you SO MUCH♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

From Peter: you might have mentioned those things before, and he normally comes to the tower around 9 so you might wanna come by around after 9 so you don't scare him off or something.

From Wade: You're so right Petey. Would you mind keep watch of him so he doesn't leave before I talk to him? Pretty please 🥺

From Peter: as long as you never use that emoji again.

From Wade: Deal! Love you!!!!

From Peter: love you too ♥️


Peter then shut off his phone and went downstairs to help his dad with dinner. He needed to do something to help with his nerves. Only a couple hours until Wade will finally know his biggest secret. Only god (and the author) knows what'll happen after it's finally revealed.

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