The Audition

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The advert is pleasantly putted in the middle of the local newspaper, it's obvious that the creator wants people to see this. I quickly read through the article, about what's written there. An audition to join a band. It searches for performers who can sing and dance a bit since it'll be a line-dancing pop group, at least that's what the article says. I don't mind about the dancing, in fact I adore to dance and a bit line-dancing, well. I think that's okay since bands usually rehearse with choreographers of their own.

And going to that audition - that could be my chance to follow the dream of being a singer. Being on stage and perform like those singers and performers that I watch on tv and secretly admire for their amazing talent. Though my experience is reduced to singing at our local theatre in little stage productions - where I mostly am used for little parts - but this audition truly is like the perfect way. I should at least try and audition. Being in a band seems like such a great idea and it makes me happy even just imagining it to be on stage with a band.

I point at the article, with a little smile, even if it's obvious that plenty of people will come to this audition, but I tell myself to go to this studio and simply try if they would like my singing. I can't tell if I'm overly talented but probably these people could judge talents of people correctly. 

I should simply go to this audition if I really want to be a singer. At the moment I'm working in a small shop in our home town, selling stuff like clothes but also souvenirs, while additionally earning a bit money with appearing in these little stage productions. But that's not a career, at least not like the celebrities would define a career. It's just for entertainment purposes. 

I take my stuff, writing a note for my parents with the newspaper article next to it and make my way to the studio. Obviously they won't be angry with me going to this audition, they always support my love for the arts. Unlike people at my school who used to grin at me when learning about me being fond on singing and performing. But oh well and whatever. My parents are so supportive of my wish to be on stage, it's so adorable.  

While in the train, I realize how nervous I actually am. What if the people who host this audition say that they don't want me in this band? Because I already was at an audition for another band, but back then the producers told us they already found people. I don't think that band made a career but they apparently at least published a song - even if it's not played on the radio. I look at the little player I took with me, searching through the music and start my current favourite song: Dancing Queen. I'm positively crazy about this band, idolising them slightly. And listening to their songs makes me less nervous about this audition stuff. Dreamily, I imagine me and random bandmates to be on stage, singing like this too while dancing along. Okay, the advert said 'line-dancing' but maybe we could do proper dancing as well. When I'm not watching pop bands, or rock bands, on tv I also like to watch stuff about dancing - and I can't help but smile purely at these thoughts of doing exactly things like these in a band. It would be so amazing if this audition works out. And being in a band is definitely something interesting, probably it's nicer than being a singer of your own.

Stepping out of the train, I can already see the studio and many people walking towards it. Wow, they all want to go to the audition? Okay, it's what I already thought about but still. Walking behind them and recalling the chosen song for the audition, I glance at the other people. Probably we're sharing equally thoughts and everyone seems so excited! "So, everyone, listen." someone announces and everyone turns quiet. That guy seems to be the producer, at least he seems a bit like the boss of this all. "Please sit down and wait before you enter the recording room. You'll sing a song you chose, as already told in the advert and you will either be eliminated or told to wait until we can tell you further information. Understood?"

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