Battle Scars - Pete

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Pete X Reader 

Song: Battle Scars by: Lupe Fiasco, Guy Sebastian

"Oh my god! Kenny!" Y/n L/n watched as her boyfriend was decapitated. His head lolled to the side, and she fell to her knees. Then, the killer walked away. No one went after him, none attempted to stop him before. She let a few tears fall down, but then she stood up. She turned around and began to walk home. 

When she got to the small house, she threw open the door. She walked slowly up to her room, slamming it shut behind her. Y/n looked in her closet for anything black, dresses, leggings, anything. She threw out everything with color, except an orange parka. Kenny gave her that. She hugged it tightly, inhaling the scent of her deceased boyfriend. That gave her more determination for what she was doing. She slipped on a pair of black leggings, a black lacy dress, and a pair of black heeled boots.

To finish the look, she set a red ruby necklace Kenny gave her on her neck. It had a large ruby that was shaped like a heart, so the tip dug into her skin. She shrugged and walked out of her room, down the stairs, and into the world of goths. (Aka, the goth ground at school)

Sitting in the middle of the group was Firkle, who glared at Y/n as she walked up. "Hey." And then she sat down. Didn't look at them, didn't ask for a smoke, nothing. Henrietta and Michael were astonished, what had happened to the giggly, bubbly girl that they saw skipping through the halls? Not that this was bad, Henrietta liked the change, and so did Firkle and Michael. "To answer your unasked question, he died."

They stared at her, "What?" 

Y/n rolled her eyes and looked at them. "When I approached, and when I sat down, I could hear it in the silence. You were wondering why I was here. It's pretty weird, right? Well, I'm done with this world, and everything in it. Kenny died, he was killed, and the killer walked away. No one stopped him. At all."

Pete nodded, happy that she came. He always enjoyed seeing the pretty (h/c) haired girl in the halls, laughing as she talked to Kenny and Kyle. He was jealous sometimes when Kenny would kiss her, so for the longest time, he hated Kenny. But now, he just felt bad. Felt bad for Kenny, who died, and felt even worse for Y/n who had to mourn. Although, she wasn't crying. 

She looked behind her at Michael. "Hey, come here." So he edged closer to her. She took the cigarette from his lips, taking a large inhale, then blew it out. "Thanks." She handed back the cigarette, and laid in his lap. He stared down at her, but she flipped him off, closing her eyes. 

Pete growled, this wasn't supposed to happen! He watched everyday as Y/n would come, flirt with Michael and Firkle, and then leave. He'd see her go to Kyle or Stan, seeking their comfort in mourning the loss of Kenny. No matter how many times Pete would talk to her, she'd ignore him, talking to Henrietta. Pete couldn't stand it. 

No, he'd have to do something about that. So one day, while Y/n was playing with Michael's hair, Pete walked over to her, let out an interrupting cough. "Hey Y/n, wanna come over to my house?" She went to say something, but he clasped his hands together, "Great. I'll see you at five." 

Michael, Firkle, and Henrietta knew something was up with Pete, but they decided to let him deal with it on his own. 

*Time Skip*

As it got closer to five o'clock, Pete was getting antsy. Where was she? Was she blowing him off? No, Y/n would never do that. He lit his fifth cigarette and inhaled with a shaking hand. He peeked out the window and saw Y/n walking towards his house. Then she paused, her face in awe. She ran forward, towards something on the sidewalk. Pete turned his head and saw what it was. Kenny. He was alive, in the flesh. They hugged, and Pete could see her crying. The anger began radiating off of Pete as Kenny leaned down, giving Y/n a long, slow kiss. Her lips moved with his, and they closed their eyes. Kenny slowly reached down, squeezing her butt. 

Pete growled. "He was suppose to stay dead." He walked towards the kitchen, grabbing a butcher knife. "He was suppose to stay dead." Pete walked outside, over to where they were standing. "He was suppose to stay dead." He shoved Y/n away from Kenny and pounced on him. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO STAY DEAD! WHY AREN'T YOU DEAD!" He began stabbing Kenny's stomach, ignoring Y/n's cries for him to stop. "I killed you for a reason!" Y/n pulled out her phone, dialing 911. 

People began to walk out of their houses, gasping at the sight. "He's killing him, m'kay!" "Someone stop him!" "Jesus Christ!" "Oh my god, he killed Kenny!" "YOU BASTARD!" Slowly, the cops pulled up. 

"There's nothing to see here people." Officer Barbrady leaned down towards Pete, "Now, please hand me the knife." Pete froze mid-stab. He handed the knife to the cop, staring in awe of what he had done. He looked at Y/n, reaching out for her. 

She took a step back, "Stay away from me, Pete." She knelt down to Kenny, "It's okay, hunny. It'll be okay." He was coughing up blood, but he smiled at her. Pete glared at him as they put him in cuffs. He watched as she kissed Kenny again. "I promise you Kenny, you'll be okay."

Kenny gave a rough cough, "It's okay, I always come back." 

Later that night, when Pete was being questioned, they asked him one question. "Why'd you do it?"

He sighed, "Because, I loved her. I loved her, and he was getting in the way." 

"Do you regret doing it now?" 

"Yes, because I was hoping the wound heals, but it never does. Because I was at war with love."

Okay, I wasn't completely honest. It's actually a Yandere!Pete X Reader. Like it still?

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