I Am Woman - South Park Girls

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  • Dedicado a All girls everywhere!

Okay, I'm taking a small break from the other requests to do this.. Okay? Oh and I had a question. Would you guys read it if I made a Hetalia story? Or Black Butler? Or Soul Eater? You guys say which one, and I'll write this story.... okay? Okay! 

South Park Girls X Reader 

Song: I am Woman by Jordan Sparks 

Y/n huffed, slamming her fist onto the table. Wendy and Bebe looked up at her with worry, "Y/n?" They whispered, causing her to huff again. Wendy sighed, "What happened?" 

Her blood boiled and she growled, "The assholes." Both Y/n and the girls at the table turned to glare at the boys table. They were laughing, tossing a football back and forth. She rolled her eyes, "I am so fucking sick of their acting like we are just sex objects!" Bebe nodded and Y/n continued, "You girls wanna know what they did? Kenny smacked my ass, and I told him to fuck himself. He told me to do it for him!" She was seething.

Wendy gasped, glaring at Kenny's parka covered head. "What about Stan?" She growled. "What did he say?" 

Heidi stood up this time, anger growing in her as well. "He told me that I should come sit on his lap, because I needed a big, strong man to protect me! The nerve!" She put her hand on her hip and soon all of the girls were standing up, saying stuff about how the boys were constanly perverts. 

Y/n nodded, "We need to do something about them." They all nodded, and then an idea came to Y/n's mind. She whispered her plan to the others, who immediatly agreed. They stalked off to the bathroom, locking the door behind them. 

*Time Skip brought by Italy's cuteness!!!*

The doors to the cafferteria opened simutationsly, each slamming back against the wall. Stan took a break from what he was saying to look up, his jaw dropping. He quickly tapped Kenny's shoulder, and the boy looked to where he was pointing, his face growing red. 

Standing in the front of the cafferteria was the girls, all wearing heels and dresses. They had all curled their hair, making it bounce when they took a step forward. Soon all the boys were looking at them, eaching getting hot and bothered. Kenny gasped when he saw who was at the lead, "Y-Y/n!?!?!" He shrieked, causing the girl to look at him. 

She huffed and pointed to the ceiling, where music began to play. All the girls moved to a male, singing in anger. "I am, woman, I am woman, I'm a woman, I'm a woman. Yes I am. Ain't nobody else can do it like we can. Said I am woman, I am woman, I'm a woman, I'm a woman. Yes I am. Ain't nobody else can do it quite like, like we can." 

Y/n poked Kenny's chest with her finger, "It ain't easy walkin' in stilettos, but somebody gotta do it. Spend a day in my shoes, then see what the hell I go through." He blushed and watched as Wendy walked up to Stan, glaring.

"It's so rigorous, doing what I do. Always on point. Always on cue. Life's so hectic, call it a zoo. Think you understand, if you only knew." Wendy punched his stomach, and he gasped, bending over in pain. They all smirked and Y/n high-five Wendy as they sang the chorus again. (Because I'm too lazy to type it again.)

Kyle watched as Heidi stormed up to him, careful not to trip. "I need fashion, elegance is a passion. I built this body to relax it. Try to bring me down, I'm a get the last laugh in. Don't need to talk, I speak with actions." His eyes widened as she stomped her foot onto his own, causing him to yelp. 

Coffee slapped Tweek's cheek as he gasped, "I've perfected the laws of attraction. I'm the whole package plus satisfaction. Let it take yourself, 'fore you get what you asking. Don't get it twisted, give yourself a caution." He nodded mutely as she walked away. 

Bebe sat next to Clyde before pushing him off the bench. "Respect it's all that I'm asking. Women bless life, equals alright. No woman no life, I like to see him try." She gave a sharp laugh as Clyde stared up at her, a little scared at this new side. To be honest, all of the boys were. Usually, the girls were so submissive, letting them have what they wanted. 

The girls all settled their differences with the boys who had mistreated them, including Boondock as she punched Christophe's jaw. After singing the chorus twice more, they stormed out, Y/n being the last. 

She brought her head back in, glaring at all of the boys equally. "You don't know shit!" Her head dissapeared and the boys quickly grouped together, a plan of their own in order.

*Time skip brought to you by the boys' terrified actions.*

Wendy sighed in content, looking over to Y/n who was smiling as she relaxed. "Your plans are always the best." She smiled at Stan massaged her shoulders, "Ah~"

Y/n laughed as Kenny walked up in a butler suit, offering all of the girls Starbucks, except Boondock, who had Christophe get her apple cider. She looked around at all of the happy girls, and all of the now-humble boys. Grinning again, she turned back to Wendy.

"I know."

Yup! I did it! Then again, if you are a girl, and have never been mistreated by any male, older, younger or the same age as you, I tip my hat to you. But this comes from the heart, although the song isn't mine. I wish it was. But as I said at the beginning, should I make a Hetalia story, a Black Butler story, or a Soul Eater story? Comment your choice and the most votes will win! 

South Park One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora