100 Prompts - 6. Token Black

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Prompt: "I need a place to stay."

What, exactly, are you supposed to say when your ex shows up on your front porch in superhero garb, his face swollen and his side bleeding, telling you that he “needs a place to stay”?

Well, in most cases, the homeowner would laugh in their face and shut the door, refusing to even look at the dumb asshole who must have done something stupid to get that injured.

But Y/n was different. Y/n was kind to all, no matter how they had hurt her.

So, when Token Black showed up at her doorstep at midnight in a predicament quite similar to that, she immediately swept him up in her arms, helping him into her own whilst being careful about his injuries.

She threw his Tupperware helmet to the floor and began to undress him, getting a good look at what appeared to be scratches all along his left side.

“Oh, Token… what happened?”

Her tone was soft as she tended to his wounds, and Token tried his best not to hiss when she put the peroxide against the claw marks.

“Well… Tupperware was fighting the Coon…” he began, and Y/n shook her head. “Hey, Tupperware can handle that fat bastard any day, Y/n.”

“Yes, but Tupperware is not just a hero. He is also a man, and men bleed. Men get hurt.” She bit her lip, looking away from Token, “Men die…”

Token faltered in his tough guy persona to look at Y/n, reaching a dark hand up to caress her jawline. “Y/n, I…” He didn’t know what to say. He knew he couldn’t make it all better with one sentence, couldn’t fix the years apart by telling her just how much it had killed him to walk away when he knew Tupperware was getting too much attention. Back then, he didn’t want her in harm’s way, but in the process had been the one to hurt her.

Y/n pursed her lip, shaking her head. “Token, do you regret it, at all?”

The brown eyed boy laughed in wonder. How she always knew exactly what he was thinking, he’d never know. “I regret it every day of my life. If I had never left you… I don’t know what would have happened, but I know you would have convinced me to be wary of the Coon much sooner than I was…”

She sighed, “Yeah.” Y/n kissed Token’s forehead as she finished his bandages. “Let’s get you to bed, and we can figure out what to do about that trash panda tomorrow…”

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