Love Story - Kyle Broflovski

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Hey, saints! Glad to back, and I hope you missed me! Just kiddin. 

Kyle Broflovski X Reader 

Song: Love Story by Taylor Swift

We were both young, when I first saw you.

Kyle Broflovski walked down to his enemy, Eric Cartman's, house for a meeting. They had agreed, at the beginning of the war, no one would steal the Stick at night. Of course, Cartman being Cartman, he disobeyed these rules, and now there was being a trial as to whether he should be punished. Of course, Kyle was in favor for it. Anything to bring the motherfucker down a peg. 

I close my eyes and the flashback starts.

Kyle sighed, opening the door to Ms. Cartman's house. She smiled at him, "Oh hello there Kyle. The boys are at the table." He nodded to her, walking past her to the kitchen. Kenny was there, being a lovely princess as always. Stan had left the Elven territory before he could, so he was there too. Cartman sat at the end of the table, speaking to Butters. He motioned for Kyle to come closer, and he did.

        Cartman gave him a smirk, "Hello Jew. So expected of you to be late." Kyle rolled his eyes, again with the Jew jabbs. Whatever. "Anyhow, although you're a dirty liar, and I didn't take the Stick, I organized this meeting for another reason." Kyle shrugged.

        "So get on with it, Fatass."

I'm standing there, on a balcony in summer air.

Cartman glared at him, but huffed and nodded, "Look back there." He pointed to the patio, where a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair sat, her hands neatly folded in her lap. She was looking at the yard, and leaned down to pet Mr. Kitty. Kyle was in awe. He pushed past Cartman, sliding open the slider. 

See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns. See you make your way through the crowd. And say, "Hello, "

Kyle tapped her shoulder, "Hello maiden. I hate to bother you, but I-" She turned to look at him, and his words got caught in his throat. She was so beautiful. She smiled at him, and he regained his confidence. "My name's Kyle, and I was wondering, what's your's?"

Little did I know...

She pushed her hair out  of her eyes and answered, "My name's Y/n. Y/n Cartman." 

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles,

Kyle's face fell. She was Cartman's sister. Damn. She lost her smile too and poked his cheek. "Kyle?"

And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"

Cartman shoved past Kyle, shielding Y/n. "Stay away from her! She's part of the KKK!" Cartman shouted, pushing his sister behind him. She fell to the ground, peeking between Cartman's legs to look at Kyle. 

And I was crying on the staircase

Tears were in her eyes, and she shook her head, trying to reach out to him. Cartman quickly closed his legs. Mrs. Cartman came out, her eyes seeing what was happening. She smiled, and said, "Kyle, you have to go home. The other boys already left." He nodded, taking one more glance at the girl in front of him. 

Begging you, "Please don't go"

" me." She whispered, reaching again to him. Cartman pushed Kyle forward,

        "Jew, you gotta go. Hurry." Kyle sighed and hung his head in defeat, leaving The Kingdom of Kupa Keep.

And I said...

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