Finally - Stan Marsh

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Stan Marsh x Reader

July 16th, 2019


They had waited two years, twenty seven days, and thirty eight minutes for this day. The day that would change their relationship forever- a fact they both knew. Something that they were certain would make them stronger, would make them happier, would make every piece finally fall into place as they both had dreamed for so long. 

So, why was Y/n L/n so nervous? 

She checked her phone again; it was still 5:30 pm. She still had at least a half hour before he got to her house so she needed to occupy her mind somehow. 

Y/n climbed off her bed and exited her room, pulling her phone out of her pocket, though this was a mere instinct at this point. 

Y/n: Hey boo, what do you want for dinner when you get here? 

Stan: anything you make sounds good to me baby girl <3 are you nervous?

How dare he ask that? Of course she was nervous! It wasn't like she was going on a blind date- she knew what he looked like from facetime and pictures and everything else, but this was the true first time of seeing his face. The first hand held, the first kiss, the first - GAH it freaked her out just to think about the pressure put on her to not mess it up. 

Y/n: a little, how about you? 

Stan: I'm more excited to finally hold you than anything. 

Ah, the romantic. Y/n smiled down at her phone before locking the screen and slipping it into her pocket. He was always saying such wonderful things like that, and always knew how to make a girl blush. It was a wonder no other girls had taken his heart before she had the chance.

She had met Stan through a dating app that she signed up on to appease her friends. He had a cute picture of him and his dog, Sparky, so she swiped right. Nothing happened right away, so she forgot that she had even done it and just kept scrolling through the app's billions of features. 

Half an hour later, her phone had vibrated with the app's familiar chime. Part of Y/n dreaded looking at the message; she wouldn't be surprised if it was yet another unsolicited dick picture that she would gag at before blocking the user. 

To her great surprise, it was from the cute guy with the dog! His name was Stan Marsh, and he lived a few states away from her, but what was the harm in flirting? They began texting and discovered their common interests, new things about one another that no one else knew, and that they were falling in love. Neither of them had wanted to admit it, too afraid of losing their dear friend, but after a year of talking, Stan couldn't keep it to himself anymore and told her how much he loved her over a video chat. 

Y/n immediately hung up the chat. 

And then kicked herself for doing that. She felt the same way, why had she gotten so scared? Was she really that afraid of commitment? She didn't want to make Stan feel like she didn't feel for him as well, so she immediately called him back and explained in a very unconvincing voice that her dog had knocked over the wi-fi router and that she loved him as well. 

A chime from her phone awoke her from her day dream and made her realized that Stan was ten minutes away from her house. Y/n let out a small scream of excitement. 

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Barley, her cocker spaniel, watched her bounce around and climbed off the couch to join her. He barked a few times and Y/n quickly shushed him, not wanting her neighbors to think they were going crazy over here. She scratched Barley's ears before holding his face in her hands. "Oh, Barley, he's almost here! What do I say? What do I do? Do I kiss him, or wait outside, or, or," 

Barley licked her face and Y/n laughed, "I suppose a kiss is sweet, huh?" 

Y/n readjusted her dress and walked over to her front window, looking for the pick up truck Stan had sent her pictures of about a million times. According to him, the only thing he adored more than her and Sparky was that truck. It was a rusty old jerk, but got him where he needed to go and never stalled for too long, so Y/n joked it was his "ol' reliable". 

Old Reliable chugged into the driveway and Y/n felt her palms go sweaty. Dear lord, how the hell was she supposed to live up to Snapchat filter expectations? He had seen her without them, but Y/n was still convinced he wouldn't expect to see her plain face without the enhancements. She didn't want him to see her and immediately turn around - how embarrassing would that be? 

Stan Marsh stepped out of his truck and Y/n gasped; she had seen him a million times but he was much more gorgeous in person. His black hair was a mess under his hat, and his brown jacket was unbuttoned to reveal a Led Zepplin t-shirt underneath. He knelt to retie his boot laces, and that's when Y/n dashed out the front door and over to him. She tackled him to the ground and hugged him tight, a few tears slipping out. 

"Hey, beautiful," he whispered, squeezing her back just as tightly. It felt like it was a moment in time they'd never leave as long as they didn't let go of one another. After a long moment, Y/n finally pulled away and looked at Stan's blue eyes. He blinked once and his jaw fell a little, "Baby, god, you look like a goddess..." Y/n's cheeks flushed as Stan ran his thumb along her jaw line. "So damn beautiful."

Y/n smiled and leaned in close, rubbing their noses together and finally getting to smell the scent of her boyfriend, who smelt like firewood and aftershave. She was already in love with it. Her heart pounded as she wrapped her arms around Stan's neck to bring him in even closer. "Barley told me to kiss you..." she whispered, and Stan laughed. 

"About time he's on my side." 

They had waited  two years to finally embrace, and it was everything they could ever imagine it to be.


Sorry if it's garbage, I've had a yearlong writer's block that I'm trying to force out of my system! Please enjoy!

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