Three Days - Craig Tucker

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This one-shot is based on something that happened to my boyfriend and myself a few days ago, and it made me smile so much I wanted to share it with you guys! 

For: Ilove_SouthPark 


It was the end of a long and grueling day, and the bed was beckoning Y/n closer to it with every second that passed. She yawned and eyed her side of the bed; paradise awaited her in the form of a gray, memory foam pillow and a Minions comforter. 

Her boyfriend was getting ready for bed himself, though that included playing GTA: Online until Y/n turned off the lights and put him into bed with a single look. 

As Y/n watched Craig play his video games, she felt a swell of emotions inside her. God, she loved this idiot. He might not have been perfect, but he was so special to her and she couldn't imagine going without him now that she had him in her life.

"Craig... I'm tired... Are you ready to go to sleep?"

The black haired boy nodded, "Yeah, just lemme finish saving." He took the necessary steps to save and turn off the console before turning towards Y/n. 

She was already tucking herself under the blankets, giving him a goofy eyebrow wiggle that roughly translated to Baby please turn off the light I'm lazy as fuck.

Fortunately Mr. Tucker was very fluent in eyebrow wiggle, and flicked off the light with a quick tap of his fingers. He then plopped into his spot on the bed, getting comfortable but missing a certain amount of warmth. 

He looked over at Y/n, who was staring at the ceiling, trying to sleep. 

He felt so... distant from her. It was like she completely had decided to give up on everything... 

This made his heart hurt, and he shoved his face into his pillow to stop Y/n from seeing the tears that were rolling down his cheeks. 

Y/n, who was actually thinking about how much she didn't want to get up tomorrow, hadn't realized how much her boyfriend was hurting until she felt him shifting around on the bed. 

She looked at his face buried in the pillow and was immediately worried for him.

"Craig, baby... what's wrong?" 

Craig didn't answer, but instead buried his face further into the pillow. 

Y/n tried to tug at him, wanting to see his beautiful face and wanting to know what was going on, but he was still too upset and ashamed of his own tears to let her see him.

Now Y/n wanted to cry. "Craig...please...tell me..." Her mind immediately came to the worst and she whimpered, " you want to break up with me?" 

That got Craig to pull away from his pillow. 

" no no... god, no..." Craig hugged Y/n tightly, burying his face within her neck. "I love you so, so much, Y/n." 

"I love you too, Craig, and I'm worried... What's wrong?" 

Craig looked away, sighed, and turned back to Y/n. "It's just that...we haven't cuddled in three days, and... I..I.. I feel like we're falling apart!" He hugged Y/n tighter, whilst she was trying not to laugh or coo at him like a baby.

"Oh... baby..." she murmured, "I'm so sorry... If I had noticed that it was bothering you, I would have cuddled you more.." She hugged him to her chest and stroked his hair, comforting him as he tried to calm down. 

Y/n helped Craig lay down on the bed, and then laid her head on his chest, now rubbing his arm and nuzzling into him. 

"I love you, Craig, good night..."

"I love you too, baby, sleep tight.." 


I swear to god, this actually happened! To be fair, my version had a bit of the hankey pankey after I calmed him down, but it was so sweet/funny that he was worried because I didn't cuddle up to him when we were sleeping. 

Anyway, enjoy! 

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