Chapter 48

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•This story takes scenes from the Harry Potter series. I want to make it clear that I don't own those scenes. That's owned by
J.K. Rowling. Thank you•


"Alright," Mrs. Weasley started, gaining the attention of everyone in the living room. "The Order's gonna be here soon. Kids, go upstairs and we'll call you down once they've left. If I catch you trying to eavesdrop, Fred and George, I won't hesitate to take away your allowance."

Her statement was followed by a series of groans as Fred, George, Ron, Hermione, and I dragged our feet towards the stairs.

"Wait," Mum called. "Scarlett, your Dad and I want you to stay."

"Really?!" I grinned.

"What?!" Molly exclaimed.

"That's not fair!" Fred and George whined.

"Calm down," Dad sighed, holding his hands up to silence us. "We just want her to sit through the meetings we know she can handle."

"That's offensive," I glared, pointing my index finger at him. "I'll have you know I can handle anything you lot throws at me!"

I felt an object hit me in the back of my head and I let out a dramatic wail as my hand flew up to hold my injured head.

"I'm dying!" I claimed, falling into Fred's chest.

"...It was a piece of parchment," George muttered, indicating to the balled up piece of parchment laying on the ground.


"You think she can handle one of these meetings?" Mrs. Weasley questioned, a doubtful look on her face as she glanced at me.

"This one, at least," Mum laughed, picking up the parchment and throwing it away.

"Mum! Why can't Fred and I stay?!" George asked, flailing his arms around.

"Because you're not old enough and your father and I don't want you listening to it!" Mrs. Weasley explained for what felt like the thousandth time.

"We're older than Scarlett and they literally just said this meeting was going to be easier to handle," Fred deadpanned.

"What's it like knowing I'm more important than you?" I bragged, sticking my tongue out at Fred.

He playfully glared at me, sticking his tongue back out at me.

"Is this their first fight?" Ron questioned as Fred and I glared at each other, a staring contest starting.

George gasped, "Couple fights to the death after the girl very clearly is claimed more important."

"Rude!" Fred scoffed, turning towards George.

"Ha! I win!" I exclaimed as Fred broke off our staring contest.

"Okay! Upstairs now!" Dad announced.

The boys and Hermione trailed upstairs. Nobody said anything until their footsteps had faded, but Mrs. Weasley unsurprisingly was the one to break it. "You really think she's..mature, enough for this?"

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