Chapter 11

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•This story takes scenes from the Harry Potter series. I want to make it clear that I don't own those scenes. That's owned by
J.K. Rowling. Thank you•


It was quite awkward seeing everyone after I snapped at them all. They had all insisted it was alright. Especially the girls, George, and Lee, who knew why I had stormed out. Fred said he was fine and even apologized for any part he may have had in angering me, although he had no idea what he had done, if he had even done anything.

Angelina and Katie both apologized repeatedly for kissing Fred, but we all knew they weren't to blame.

It was my fault I was being jealous. I was the only one to blame.

It took a week for everything to go back to normal. Or, as normal as it could be. But by mid October, everyone knew not to mention that night, and we'd all had gone back to joking around and pulling pranks.

Speaking of normal, Mum had gone back to being secretive. But on the bright side, we weren't mad at each other. Though I'm not going to lie and say I'm not frustrated by her secretiveness.

I don't know what could possibly be so bad that she can't tell me who my Dad is, but it must be terrible.

I had tried everything I know to get her to tell me anything about my Dad, but I've only gotten enough information to know that I would've loved to meet my Dad.


Looking up, I realized Lee had been talking to me.

"Uh, sorry. What were you saying?" I questioned, clearing my throat awkwardly.
"I was talking about going to Hogsmeade with Alicia. Do you know what she'd like to do?" Lee stated.
"There's a Hogsmeade trip planned already?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

Lee laughed lightly.

"Yeah, I already told you that. It's on Halloween," Lee said, raising his own eyebrow at me, "what've you got on your mind?"
"I dunno. I've been thinking a lot about my Dad lately. Then everything with Fred," I shrugged, running a hand through my hair.
"Ah, George told me about that. You've been getting some information from your Mum?" Lee inquired.
"Yeah, but nothing very useful. I know his initials, I know is birth month. I know very simple things. Just nothing that'll tell me who he is," I sighed.
"I'm sure you'll find out one day," Lee reassured.

I went to agree with him, but the portrait door swung open and Ron and Hermione walked in, taking a seat by the fireplace and taking out their quills.

"Hey Ron, Hermione. What're you two doing?" I asked.
"Astronomy. We've got to fill out star charts," Ron grumbled.
"Ooh! I love Astronomy!" I exclaimed, running over to them and taking a seat next to them.
"Great! Then you can help me!" Ron smiled, pushing the chart in front of me.

Hermione scowled slightly, but didn't say anything as she seemed to lean over to check herself.

"This one right here is Perseus. Then a little to the left is Gemini," Ron hurried to scribble the names down, "down a little is Orion. Then down and to the left a little is my favorite star, Sirius."

I continued to help Ron, and eventually Hermione until Harry walked in, taking a seat next to us.

"Astronomy?" Harry questioned.
"Yep," I nodded happily.
"Does your Mum know how brilliant you are at that?" Hermione questioned.
"Yeah, you should've seen her face when I told her my favorite star was Sirius. Apparently my Dad loved Astronomy as well, and that was his favorite," I shrugged.

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