Chapter 10

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•This story takes scenes from the Harry Potter series. I want to make it clear that I don't own those scenes. That's owned by
J.K. Rowling. Thank you•


"So Alicia, how's Lee?" Angelina giggled as she threw a pillow at Alicia.

Alicia stuck her tongue out at her and chucked the pillow back at her.
"He's fine."

Katie and I exchanged looks before throwing our pillows at Alicia.

"Alicia and Lee stitting in a tree,
k-i-s-s-i-n-g! First comes-"
"Alright! Alright! I get it!" Alicia laughed.
"But I didn't even get to the baby part!" I groaned.
"Scarlett we haven't even been dating a full two weeks! We haven't even uttered a word about our future, and definitely nothing about having kids!" Alicia squealed.
"Oh you're kids would be so cute!" Katie cooed.
"Well duh, but that doesn't mean we're having kids anytime soon," Alicia stated.
"But you want kids?" I grinned.
"I mean, yeah, I guess," Alicia mumbled.
"Oh that's so cute!" Katie exclaimed.
"Why do we have to talk about this?" Alicia questioned, burying her face in her hands.
"It was your idea to have a girls night, Alicia. It's tradition that every girls night we talk about boys, play truth or dare, and have a pillow fight," Angelina replied.
"Okay then let's talk about someone else! How about you, Angelina. Anybody you fancy?" Alicia asked.
"Well, I don't really know. I think I like a guy, but he has a brother I kind of feel like I like too. I just don't want to do anything until I know who I like," Angelina shrugged.
"I can relate to that," I stated, "for awhile I thought I may like George. But then one day it just kind of clicked. Fred was the only one I was interested in."

Angelina smiled sympathetically.

"Oh don't look at me like that," I laughed.
"Sorry. I just know it's hard liking someone so much for so long and not being able to do anything about it," Angelina sighed.
"It's fine. I guess I'm kind of used to it," I mumbled.
"Well I think you should just go for it," Alicia piped.
"Easy for you to say. Lee loves you," Katie quipped.
"Oh. Katie if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're jealous. Someone catch your eye?" I hummed, nudging her slightly.
"No!" Katie denied, swatting my arm away.
"You so do!" Alicia laughed.
"I do not!" Katie stated, her cheeks burning.
"I can see it on your face!" Angelina exclaimed.
"No you can't!" Katie countered.
"Oh just tell us!" I laughed.

Katie only glared.

"Fine, live with the fact that we could've helped you get a boyfriend, but you decided to be forever alone," Angelina sang.
"I won't be forever alone!" Katie denied.
"You may be," I piped.
"Scarlett!" Katie scolded.
"That's my name! Don't wear it out," I advised.

Katie scowled.

"Just tell us his name!" Alicia groaned.
"Fine!" Katie gave. We all watched her expectantly as she heaved a sigh.
"His name's Caleb Hadley."

We all dramatically gasped.

"Caleb Hadley!" Alicia sang teasingly.
"Yes Caleb Hadley. Now can we move on?" Katie begged.
"Fine, I suppose we can play truth or dare," I shrugged.
"Great, you can start Scar!" Katie exclaimed, eager to change the subject.

I nodded, thinking of what to say.

"Okay, Angelina, truth or dare?" I questioned.
"Um, truth," Angelina stated.
"Okay, is it true that you've kissed Josh Henley?" I questioned.
Angelina blushed.
"Um, once. In second year!" Angelina added quickly.
"Ooh, Angelina's getting all the lads!" Alicia laughed.

Dancing In The Storm •Fred Weasley•Where stories live. Discover now