Chapter 12

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•This story takes scenes from the Harry Potter series. I want to make it clear that I don't own those scenes. That's owned by
J.K. Rowling. Thank you•


So I finally persuaded Katie to come to Hogsmeade – as for some reason she wasn't interested in going in the slightest – with Angelina, Alicia, Lee, George, Fred, and I.

It was a big group date, I suppose you could call it. But 'date' was definitely not the right word to use in front of Katie and Angelina.

The two girls now were spending hours preparing the four of us for our 'date'.

Angelina had dressed up in what I called You're-Going-To-Die-From-Hypothermia, also know as, she was wearing a long sleeved maroon colored dress that fell down to her knees. It was admittedly cute, but not appropriate for the freezing cold weather. It wasn't much better with black tights and black knee high boots. Then of course she put on a black leather jacket and acted like that was going to keep her warm.

"You're insane," I stated, rolling my eyes at her bizarre attire.
"I'm fabulous," Angelina laughed, twirling around so that her dress blew up with the air.

I laughed lightly with her, turning my attention to Alicia, who was just now walking out of the bathroom.

"See that's better," I stated, nodding approvingly at Alicia's black leggings, cream colored sweater, and brown boots.
"Katie, erm, it's better," I nodded, looking at her jeans, brown ankle boots, and green, short sleeved shirt.
"Well what about you then?" Angelina asked, pushing me into the bathroom.

Laughing, I changed into my dark blue skinny jeans, tight fitting grey sweater, and heeled, knee high, black boots.

"Cute," Angelina smiled, pulling me toward her and grabbing her wand.
"What are you doing?" I questioned.
"I don't have enough time to do it the muggle way," She stated, flicking her wand so that my dark brown hair fell in perfect curls.

She quickly did everyone else's hair before dragging us down to the common room, where Lee, George, and Fred were waiting.

"Are you girls ready?" George questioned, raising an eyebrow at Angelina.
"Yep!" Angelina exclaimed.
"You sure you're not going to freeze?" George asked her.
"Positive," Angelina stated, rolling her eyes playfully.
"Right then," Fred nodded, leading the way out of the common room.
"What all are we doing?" I questioned as we all walked down the corridor.
"Well, Lee, George, and I thought that we'd go with you to get some pranking supplies from Zonko's. Then we can go to Honeydukes to get some sweets. And we can go anywhere else you all need to go, then we'll go to The Three Broomsticks," Fred explained.
"Sounds good," everyone agreed, handing Filch our signed permission slips.

As we were all walking down to he small village, Alicia and I started slowing down until we were behind everyone else, and out of earshot.

"So what's going on with Fred?" she questioned.
"Nothing more than what's been going on," I frowned, watching as the boy we were talking about laughed with Lee over something I hadn't heard.
"Lee told me you two were alone in the common room a few weeks ago," Alicia stated.
"We had a moment, I suppose. Well, not even a moment honestly. It was more, I got lost in his eyes for a minute and then it got awkward and we went to bed," I sighed.

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