Taking A Small Break

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I'm really sorry about this. I myself am really upset that I've gotten to the point where I'm having to say this, but I will be taking a small break.

I've been under a lot of stress with my exams. I'm struggling with my Algebra class, which is very bad. I just finished my exams, but now I'm stressed about if I passed them or not. I'm stressing about if this makes sense or not.

Other than school, I've been stressing with family drama. I've been stressing with MsMarauders which isn't as bad cause I've got a bunch of girls there to help me get through it all.

But above all, I'm stressed with Wattpad.

I've been trying so hard to get inspiration for Dancing In The Storm, but I'm struggling so much with it that I'm having to take a break. I don't ever know what to write about, and when I do and am able to to finish a chapter, I get upset and think it sounds horrible and just delete the whole thing.

I've been thinking about taking a break for awhile now, but I hadn't had that point where I knew I had to, until today.

I was sitting in the middle of a restaurant with my family, but keeping silent. I had a lot on my mind, but I was mainly thinking of what I could write about. I was already getting stressed of how hard it was to think of something, but when my phone buzzed and I saw a comment from someone asking me to update Dancing In The Storm, I knew I was about to break down.

I'm not going to lie, when the waiter asked me what I wanted to eat and I broke down crying, I was pretty embarrassed.

The person who commented, if you're reading this, I'm not mad at all by your comment. I get a lot of comments asking me to update, yours just happened to be the one.

My sister and mom pestered me a lot on why I was crying, and I would only really give short answers. But eventually my mom got me to explain how stressed I was with not being able to find inspiration. They both laughed and said I was being stupid. They don't think me writing means anything but a hobby to me.

Yeah, maybe it is a hobby. But the best way to explain being an author on Wattpad, is that it's a job you don't get paid for. It truly is a job you don't get paid for. You have people that read your stories, that depend on you to entertain them. And don't get me wrong, I love writing. I love it so much. If I didn't I wouldn't even be struggling to say this. But nobody really understands what it's like to write on Wattpad until you're doing it. And I'm not hating on Wattpad. I'm not blaming Wattpad for my stress. Because it's my fault I've reached this point. But it's very stressful having such a big responsibility like this. You get overwhelmed and you keep telling yourself that you have to do this, and you have to do that.

When I say I'm taking a break, I don't mean I'm not going to touch Wattpad. I'll continue to do the Daily Quotes – until it's over in three days. And I will continue working with the other admins on MsMarauders .

All I won't be doing is working on Dancing In The Storm. You won't see any updates at all on that. I'm not going to be gone for long. A month at most. But don't expect anything for at least the next two weeks.

I hope you all understand, and I love you all so, so much.

Dancing In The Storm •Fred Weasley•Where stories live. Discover now