Chapter 4

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•This story takes scenes from the Harry Potter series. I want to make it clear that I don't own those scenes. That's owned by
J.K. Rowling. Thank you•


Excitedly, I dragged my trunk over to the living room's fireplace. Ditzy screeched from inside his cage, not enjoying the trip down the stairs.

"You've got everything Scar?" Mum asked for the millionth time.
"Mhmm," I nodded.
"Are you ready to go?" Mum questioned.
"Mhmm," I repeated.
"Have you got your books and robes?" Mum inquired.
"Mhmm," I hummed.
"And your stack of letters from Fred?" Mum laughed.
"Mum! How do you know about that?!" I squealed.

Mum ignored me and lightly pushed me into the fireplace.

Grumbling, I yelled out, "The Leaky Cauldron!"

As if it were meant to be, as soon as the green flames disappeared and I stepped out of the fireplace, I tripped and fell into the arms of Fred Weasley.

My face felt as if it were on fire as I blushed at the boy.

"Fancy seeing you here," Fred chuckled.
"Erm, h-hey," I mumbled.
"Scarlett!" Ginny called from behind Fred.

Biting my lip, I pushed myself out of Fred's arms.

"Hey Ginny," I greeted, faking a smile.

It wasn't that I didn't like Ginny, she was like my sister. But anytime alone with Fred, was a dream come true.

"Scar!" George's voice called.

Turning at his voice, I grinned when my eyes landed on George.

One of the effects of fancying Fred, was my relationship with George. George was my best friend. He was there when I needed him.

George knew I fancied Fred. And I knew George fancied one of my friends, Angelina Johnson.

"I didn't know you were here," I stated.
"Just got here today. Harry and Hermione are here somewhere too. Or so Ron said," Fred stated.
"I see you've found your lovers," Mum sighed as she walked by me, ruffling my hair.
"Mum!" I groaned.
"Oh I'm just messing with you! We all know you're in love with Lee!" Mum said.
"What?!" Fred and George exclaimed.
"Mum! I am not!" I grumbled.
"You've got all the boys Scar! Your father'd murder them," Mum sighed, walking over to Mrs. Weasley.

Fred and George both turned to me, "Did she just mention your father?"
"Yeah. It's odd, isn't it? Twelve years and she mentions him now," I sighed.
"Twelve?" Fred questioned.
"Uh, yeah," I nodded, running a hand through my brown hair, "My father left when I was three."

They both frowned at me sympathetically.

"Guys! It's fine! He must've been a jerk if he left my mum! He's not someone I'd dream of meeting," I mumbled.
"Scar, you can always talk to us," Fred and George stated.

I nodded at them.

"I think I'll go talk to everyone," I mumbled, walking over to where my mum had gone.

Mum was standing with Mrs. Weasley, Percy, and Ginny. I saw that Harry was also walking over to them. Arriving as I did.

"Hello, Percy," said Harry.

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