Chapter 21

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Before this chapter starts, I'd like to say that this chapter's dedicated to MissMaddelyn for helping me stand up to myself and tell myself that I need to put myself before Wattpad, and for giving me the motivation to write this chapter. Now on with the chapter. Well, first I have to make sure no one reports me for plagiarism.

•This story takes scenes from the Harry Potter series. I want to make it clear that I don't own those scenes. That's owned by
J.K. Rowling. Thank you•


"Scar, you can go if you want to," I tried for the millionth time.
"It's fine, Mum," she replied. "Besides, I don't like Quidditch anyway."

I looked at Sirius worriedly.

"You've been talking about going with Fred and George for ages though," I stated.
"That was before Fred kissed me," Scarlett muttered.

Scarlett had been talking about going to the Quidditch World Cup for ages. She may not be big on Quidditch, but she knew Fred and George would be happy to see her there. She had wanted to see Fred happy.

"But didn't you want to see Fred happy?" I questioned warily.
"Of course I want to see Fred happy," she mumbled. "When someone else's happiness is your happiness, that is love."

Sirius wrapped an arm around me at our daughter's words.

"That's beautiful, Scar," Sirius smiled.
"Mum told me it a few years ago," Scarlett reminisced.

I smiled at her, grabbing her hand and rubbing it with my thumb.

"If you don't want to go, you don't have to. But just remember how much you did want to go. Don't let Fred get in the way of that," I advised.
"Fred was the only reason I was going. I'll be fine," she reassured.

I nodded. "Okay then."

Scarlett smiled lightly before running up the stairs to her room. Or rather, Sirius's old room. She had claimed it as her own after her and Sirius began to get along.

I sighed when her footsteps became faint and the sound of her door closing could be heard. I turned to Sirius worriedly.

"Anything from Harry?" I questioned.
"Nothing on the dreams, but he'll be going to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasley's tomorrow," Sirius replied.

I bit my lip, thinking of my godson.

He had sent Sirius a letter talking about a dream he had had, and it concerned both Sirius and I.

"We can talk to Dumbledore when we see him next," Sirius said, rubbing my shoulders soothingly.

I sighed, leaning back into his chest.

"I'm so happy you're back," I mumbled, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. He hummed in response, stroking my hair.
"It was so hard without you," I admitted, my eyes stinging with tears.

Sirius sighed, shifting so that we were facing each other. He grabbed my hands in his, rubbing his thumbs up and down mine.

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