Chapter 0/Prologue

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•This story takes scenes from the Harry Potter series. I want to make it clear that I don't own those scenes. That's owned by
J.K. Rowling. Thank you•

~No One~

Claire and Sirius struggled over the years.

Sirius struggled with staying sane. He struggled with the fact that who was once his wife, was now having to raise his daughter alone. He struggled with the knowledge that he was the reason Peter was made Secret-Keeper. That James and Lily Potter were dead because he couldn't be the Secret-Keeper. He struggled because he was locked in Azkaban while his daughter grew up. Sirius Black struggled because his daughter was forever going to be three in his mind.

Clairesse Black struggled because she couldn't be Clairesse Black. She couldn't be a Black because the world knew her as a Bennet. A Bennet who was once a Black. She struggled because her daughter, Scarlett Black, couldn't be Scarlett Black. Scarlett couldn't be a Black because the world knew her as a Bennet. A Bennet who was once a Black.
Clairesse and Scarlett Black were not Clairesse and Scarlet Black. They were Clairesse and Scarlett Bennet.

Claire and Sirius struggled over the years.

And there were days that only made it worst.

October 31st was the day they lost two of their friends.
November 1st was their anniversary.

But one day was worse than any other day of the year.

August 20th.

August 20, 1982,

"Ma'am, it says right here that you've been looking for a job for-"
"Ten months. Yes," Claire cut the woman off.
"Right. Ten months. You've tried Auror, Herbologist, Hea-"
"Healer, about every Department in the Ministry. Everything really," Claire, again, cut the woman off.
"Ma'am, please stop interrupting me," The woman asked.
"Right. Sorry. I'm just in a rush. My daughter's birthday is today and I promised her I'd be home by now," Claire sighed, chewing on the inside of her cheek nervously.
"Right. Your daughter. And her father is?" The woman questioned, scanning the paper in her hand.

Claire looked down at her hands that rested in her lap.
"Sirius Black."

The woman looked up immediately.

"Sirius Black?! Murderer of thirteen people?!" The woman questioned.
"Erm. Yes?"
"Get out of my office!"

August 20, 1983,

Claire had moved her and Scarlett to a Muggle area after countlessly being turned down in the wizarding world.

Her and Scarlett were walking around the new neighborhood. Scarlett skipping alongside Claire.

A man passed by them. A small corgi by his side.

Scarlett let out a gasp as they passed him.

"Mummy! Can I get a doggy for my birthday?!" Five year old Scarlett questioned.

Claire thought back to when Peter asked her if she and Sirius were getting a dog when Sirius had tried announcing her pregnancy.

Without thinking, she replied with the same thing she did that time.

"We already have a dog."

Scarlett furrowed her eyebrows. Looking around as if the dog would appear right behind them.

"What doggy?"

August 20, 1984,

Sirius Black sat against the stone wall of his cell.

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