I was still trying to figure out how to work in candles into our dinner, what are the possibilities he would believe we need them cause I forgot to pay the electricity bill? Yeah, ok that's sounds stupid even to desperate old me. And while in the middle of several similarly ridiculous ideas I suddenly heard shuffling sounds behind me. A louder commotion than the one I was expecting. I turned around and I swear I felt my heart stop for a split second.


Screaming at him was definitely a stupid thing to do when he was standing on top of tall foot stool, that was precariously perched on top of my computer chair. The chair that happens to have wheels by the way. Was that idiot trying to give me a heart attack getting on top of such a dangerous contraption. I turn my back at him for two seconds and he begins building the world's scariest tower in my room.

"What the fuck are you doing? Get down from there."

"I am trying to reach the clock on the ceiling. Just a ...little ...bit...further."

He began reaching his hand forward once again. Standing almost on the tips of his toes as he stretched himself to his entire length to make it to the damned clock. I watched aghast as he did the stupidest thing the boy could have ever done, rooted to my spot in shock. That was until his balance stumbled slightly, his legs wobbling dangerously as he tried to stabilize himself. And that was all I needed to launch into action and run towards him. Without warning wrapping my arms around his thighs as I jerked him further towards me. His body tumbling against my chest involuntarily while I physically lifted him of the blasted school. Sliding his body down mine as I gingerly placed his feet back on solid ground. Completely ignoring his shocked yelp, gripping his shoulders a little tightly.


"Are you an idiot? What if you fell and broke your neck?"

"I was just trying to get to..."

"I don't care what you were trying to do. How the bloody hell did you think climbing up on that was a good idea?"

"But I...uhh....ouch!"

His hand immediately going to the spot on his forehead I had just flicked. I can't believe he was still arguing about this when he had nearly given me a heart attack not two seconds ago.

"Don't ever do something so stupid ever again. Do you have any idea how scared I got seeing you up there?"


My hands were still shivering slightly as I held onto his shoulders. Perhaps even I could tell I was overreacting a tiny bit, but I couldn't really help it. Seeing him in a potentially dangerous situation almost gave me visceral reaction. His confused expressions looking at my overly worried state wasn't that unexpected. But I was still mad at him so I snapped at him. Keeping my anger in check has never really been my strong point anyways.

"You better be. Leave the blasted clocks alone now. Go chop onions."


"Onions. Chop chop."

"I umm....don't know how to..."

"If you can figure out how to give me heart attacks climbing up on stupid chairs, I am sure you can figure out how knives work."

I was practically screaming now and thankfully instead of instigating me any further he only quietly nodded before turning towards the kitchen, busying himself with battling the unsurmountable tasks of chopping onions.

You know I already knew I was a goner all those weeks ago when it first hit me like a ton of bricks that I was in love with him, I just didn't realize how much of a wuss falling in love makes you. It must be a world record of some sorts cause I lasted less than two minutes with my seething anger. My annoyance almost immediately dissipating when I stole a quick glance at Kong completely mutilating my onions, while he made a very distinct sniffling sound.

It was like my hand has a mind of its own as I slowly turned him to face me. His barely open eyes completely bloodshot. Thick, fat tears streaking down both sides of his cheeks, his running nose making it look like his puppy just died instead of doing something completely harmless like cutting onions. I didn't know if I should burst out laughing or to pet his head, saying everything would be fine. His reaction so uniquely funny as the pampered boy attempted to do the most mundane act possible.

I wiped both my palms across his tear stained cheeks. Brushing my thumbs under his puffy eyes. Grabbing his face between my hands as I whispered as little more huskily than I had originally intended.

"Stop crying, silly."

He chuckled softly at how ridiculous he was looking bawling his eyes out standing in the middle of my kitchen. He reached up and wrapped his hands around both my wrists and gave it a light squeeze. My heart turning into complete mush as I returned his open smile. Quite pleasantly surprised at his easy acceptance of my touch when I had completely expected him to shove my hands away. Not even a flinch as I continued caressing his cheek with my thumbs.

Perhaps it was the fact that we were standing so intimately close to each other, or maybe it was how relaxed he looked under my touch, or that his dazzling smile had temporarily suspended all my brain cells cause for some crazy reason I thought bulldozing right through the boundaries of our relationship was a good idea. Bending towards him and wanting to press our lips together becoming my sole mission of life.

My fingers finding themselves burying within his strands, holding his face a little more firmly, keeping him rooted at his spot as I took a step closer to him, our chests almost toughing. And yet, Kong hadn't made any attempts to step back. Or push me away. Or stop what he must clearly know I was about to do. And this was all the sign I needed as I angled my head to close the short distance between us.


Letters to my beloved [Complete]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang