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~ Madeleine~

What is the worst feeling in the world?

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What is the worst feeling in the world?

Is it LONELINESS, when you have something to say but no one to say it too? Is it EMPTINESS, when you feel a void inside and it seems that nothing can fill it? Is it BEING FORGOTTEN, when you are forgotten by someone you could never forget? Is it BETRAYAL, when the ones you trust the most are disloyal? Maybe it's HEARTBREAK when the person you loved and thought loved you breaks your heart?......

...Well, there is no definite or unique right answer. It's different for every single person. So, I don't know what can be considered the worst feeling ever, but I certainly knew it had come to me this afternoon. A weird and painful mixture of betrayal, worthlessness, disappointment and anger ; I found out that Landon, my boyfriend for now almost two years is cheating on me with my best friend ; Amber. And just like that I lost two of my favorite people in the world at once.

My name is Madeleine Lana Ellington and at 17 years old I've experienced many unpleasant situations, but this one surpassed them all.

It happened at the end of the school day just before the last period. After this I took all my things and stormed out of the school, running home. I came home going straight to my room, smashing the door so hard that the mirror hanging on my wall fell on the floor breaking into a thousand pieces. I didn't bother picking it up, it impeccably corresponded to the state of my heart.

My parents weren't home yet which was great, I didn't like showing my feelings too much or letting them into my personal life. I threw my backpack on the floor and my jacket on my bed before throwing myself on it. I lied there for a bit, my face buried in my pillow. I wasn't going to cry. -I never cry, I'm not that type of girl, I just can't cry. It's as if I had no tears.

I rose myself from the bed, searching for something in my drawer before running out the door and speeding up the staircases in our building. I couldn't feel my legs anymore after running and climbing 12 floors up from the first floor I live on. Finally, I was there, on the last 13th floor, the one right under the rooftop. And here it was; my calm place; the indoor pool. I would come swim here whenever I was mad, angry, and sad or out of place. It calmed me down, gave me time and opportunity to think and reassemble my thoughts. It soothed me in a way.

The door to the pool was always locked, but my dad was the janitor of the building and I managed to steal his keys and make copies from the pool door and the roof door. Normally swimming whiteout supervision was not allowed but I didn't care. I knew well how to swim and didn't need any supervision.

I unlocked the door and jumped right into the pool with my clothes on, which wasn't normally allowed either but who cares. I felt as if my burning cheeks, red from anger where soothed with the cold water as I was trying to calm down my temper. I swam back and forth and lied on my back, on the surface of the water, with my eyes closed for a little less than an hour. I threw a glance starless sky through the clear glass ceiling and dived underwater one last time.

I than issued the pool and locked the door back. Walking down the stairs soaking wet and leaving a train of water after me. I soon realized that the pool hadn't helped that much this time. It didn't calm down the anger, neither did it change my thoughts. If anything I was even more annoyed. I was rushing down the stairs steaming with anger, ready to punch through a wall. When I got in the hallway of the 2nd floor I felt someone grab my arm from the back as a heard a deep voice speak;

"Woahh, wait, what's the matter with you?"

I turn my head to see Cameron Levis McClain and his messy raven hair and widened from surprise blue eyes; Cameron Levis McClain, my neighbor, sort of neighbor. He lives on the second floor in our building. We never spoke before even though he lived in this building for ages and we go to the same school.

I could see why he would ask me that; it's not every day you see an infuriated girl walking down the building hallways with her clothes soaking wet.

I snatch my arm out of his hand as I reply trough gritted teeth with a stern voice: "None of your business, leave me alone."

He throws his arms in the air in surrender "Wow chill girl, I'm just trying to help".

Not changing my tone I reply back mockingly: "Oh yeah, and who are you to help me?"

I turn back ready to leave but he catches my arm again.

"We've been in the same class since grade 3rd grade and we're living in the same building since, we were seven, so I just thought I could help."

"Well you thought wrong. How about you'll help me when I'll ask you, which is most likely never. Now let me go I have enough on my mind to lose my time talking to you.

"Fine, as you wish." He says with a little sneer in the corner of his mouth, slowly letting go of my arm.

"Great" I frown walking away.

He screams "See you" as I'm walking, making me roll my eyes at the ceiling. 


Hey dear readers,

Thank you for reading the first chapter of my book. I tried something new.

Don't worry I am still keeping up with "Sweet Malicious Mischiefs", I just had an overflow of new ideas and inspiration.

Thank you again for your support.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed it or if you have any advises, ideas or questions.


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