Dutch van der Linde: Civil Agreement Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Ah, Dutch should take the lead on that. He is good at getting in and out quickly, getting the job done before anyone else gets there" you hummed again, nodding before looking up at the other gang members but not even glancing at Dutch who was standing beside you.

Dutch squinted at you but that look slowly turned into a glare when he realised what you were hinting at, a crude joke in his opinion, and he wasn't even sure if you thought that he would catch on to what you were talking about. You just smirked to yourself when you felt Dutch glaring a hole into the side of your head, obviously nobody else had picked up on your double meaning.


You sat around the campfire in your camp, members from each of your gangs sitting around it with you and Dutch. You were all just telling stories, mostly about old jobs you did or even how you all met. One of the men in you camp was talking about a hunt he went on recently, he had be chased by a boar, and the others were laughing at his misfortune. Thankfully he wasn't harmed.

"You think that's bad?" Dutch spoke up, and you noticed the small smirk already tugging at his lips and you wondered what he was going to say. "I recently had a run in with a wild cat, clawed my back up pretty bad, had to pry it off of me" he chuckled, shaking his head as he took a sip of his drink. You just sent him a quick glare, did he think he was being at all subtle?

"Huh, sounds bad. Hope you had someone check that out, it could've been serious. Deadly even, maybe next time it will just kill ya" you shrugged, the vague sense of a threat behind your words but you didn't think that anyone other than Dutch noticed it. Yes, Dutch noticed the threat but he paid more attention to the 'next time'.

Hosea smiled, laughing quietly to himself before standing up and walking away from the fire. Dutch must really think he is stupid. Hosea was Dutch's closest friend, he knew Dutch better than he knew himself most of the time. Of course he knew that Dutch and you had slept together, Dutch wasn't subtle about it at all. Well, maybe nobody else noticed but Hosea certainly did. Hosea noticed how Dutch watched you, looked at you, and talked to you, and of course he had seen through your little jokes and teasing. He wasn't oblivious like the other members of the van der Linde gang or your gang.

A little later in the night you walked away from the campfire and wandered towards a quieter part of the camp. "'Next time', eh?" Dutch asked with a smirk as he walked up to you, you turned to face him and instantly wanted to slap the cocky look off of his face.

"What are you talking about now?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning back against the side of the wagon behind you.

"You said 'next time'" he pointed out, a smirk still on his face as he took a step towards you.

"Yeah, I also said that I would kill you" you shrugged, the fact that you said 'next time' didn't mean anything, it was just a slip of the tongue you were sure.

"I'm beginning to think it would be worth it. At least, I'd die a happy man" Dutch chuckled, trying to be charming as he stepped towards you again. Much to your dismay, he was succeeding.

"Oh, I promise you that you would be a very happy man. But it aint' going to happen" you chuckled as well but shook your head at him, even when he stepped closer to you again.

"Come on, Miss L/N, what's the worst that could happen?" he asked, his voice quieter now, more alluring than a few seconds ago. Dutch stood right in front of you, trapping you between the wagon and his body. He was so close that you could feel the warmth being emitted from him.

"We wouldn't want you catching feeling for me now, would we?" you teased, smirking up at him, not letting his closeness affect you.

"What makes you think that would happen?" he asked lowly, leaning down to you as he placed one of his hands on the side of the wagon beside your head.

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