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❝ The frailty and delicacy, her pretty pink lipsand rosy cheeks, all a façade

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The frailty and delicacy, her pretty pink lips
and rosy cheeks, all a façade.

THALIA DAYNE HAD ALWAYS hated children from the moment she held her young cousin and one of them vomited all over her pretty new dress

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THALIA DAYNE HAD ALWAYS hated children from the moment she held her young cousin and one of them vomited all over her pretty new dress. It wasn't their little stature, or tantrums, or uncontrollable crying that unnerved her, but instead the way one could never know what they wanted. Children were a guessing game that Thalia never knew the answers too.

So, when Hermione ended up following Robb off to war, Thalia detested how she had offered to stay. Surely the boys would be fine without her watching over them, she had thought as Hermione and Mary snuck in with Robb's men. Maester Ludwig and Old Nan were staying behind as well as many of the northern soldiers.

Though, Thalia was a woman of her word. She had promised Hermione to watch over her brother and watch she would. For the most part, she found the three of them to be easier to care for than she'd thought. Besides bathing them (which took a few tries before she got a handle on the fundamentals of washing not only kids, but boys) and making sure they ate and slept Bran, Rickon, and Leo weren't much work.

"Where'd yer friend go?" Thalia looked at Osha as she plucked a few herbs from the forest floor. Bran had gotten restless and needed some fresh air, so came their walk through the Godswood. The young stark placed in Hordor's arms as the four of them made their way to the lake by the weirwood. "The pretty one with the dangerous arm."

Thalia eyed the wilding woman wearily. No matter how much time passed, or how much Bran and Maester Ludwig assured her that Osha was of no harm, Thalia didn't necessarily believe either one of them. She had heard first hand what had happened the first time Hermione had come in contact with the woman. How Osha and her wildling friends had tried to rob the crippled boy. It was enough to say that Thalia tolerated the woman for the sake of peace but other than that, she wanted nothing to do with her.

"Hermione," she named, her feet gliding over the frosted grass. "She went to war."

Osha nodded. "She's a tough one she is. Reminds me of my sister."

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