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and suddenly nothing feels rightas if this was not the skin youwere born to be in

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

and suddenly nothing feels right
as if this was not the skin you
were born to be in.

PRINCESS CLARE STARK was not the perfect son Hermione had imagined so many times; that little boy with unruly auburn curls and golden eyes

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

PRINCESS CLARE STARK was not the perfect son Hermione had imagined so many times; that little boy with unruly auburn curls and golden eyes. A beautiful bountiful boy who would grow to be a strong northern lord like his father. No, instead she bore a daughter with wheat blonde curls and startling ocean blue eyes like her father.

And though others claimed her beauty, Hermione could not deny the soft disappointment which had writhed within her as Maester Pycelle had settled the babe into her arms for the first time. Oh how the world would disappoint her so many times over, Hermione had thought as the child started to cry. Lips narrowing, she had handed her off to a wet-nurse without any hesitation or objections.

"She's absolutely the most exquisite thing I've ever seen cousin," Margery cooed as she rocked Clare in her arms. "If I'm lucky my children will come out half as adorable."

Hermione rolled her eyes, since her girlhood she had grown impervious to Margery's charm which seemed to work on everyone else around. Beneath all the fake smiles, pretty clothes, and long hair, Margery Tyrell was a snake, sitting aside and waiting for the best opportunity to strike.

Still, she glanced over, watching as her child gleamed up at Margery in awe trying to grab her nose. "All babies look like frogs to me." Sipping her tea her grandmother, Olenna Tyrell watched her curiously.

The Battle of Blackwater had been won by Joffrey and his men with the help of the Lannisters and shockingly to Hermione the men of Highgarden. Though it had all become clear in the following morning when Loras—who had been granted favour from Joffrey—asked for his sister (and unfortunately Hermione's cousin) to be wed to him. Thus releasing Sansa from her arrangement and tying himself to Margery who had seemingly become more subtle in her deception than in their girlhood.

"You know you still haven't answered my question," Olenna said pulled Hermione's attention back to her. "How exactly did you end up in King's Landing and how long have you been here?"Hermione sighed. "I was with Robb when one of the Lannister's men no doubt snuck into his camp and kidnapped me. I've been here for..." she pondered the questioned. "Five months, maybe six."

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