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it is your omen, onlyyou know the meaning

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it is your omen, only
you know the meaning.

WITH NO MAP AND THE WIDE OPEN SEA all around her Hermione had no idea where she was going—For all she knew she could've been on her way across the narrow sea and headed to Essos—still she rowed nonstop

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WITH NO MAP AND THE WIDE OPEN SEA all around her Hermione had no idea where she was going—For all she knew she could've been on her way across the narrow sea and headed to Essos—still she rowed nonstop. Through tedious days and long nights, Hermione worked the paddles through the water.

Some time ago she had read a book called, Sanders Guide to Astronomical Constellations it had been tiresome reading, though recalling the locations of the Big and Little Dipper Hermione had found the North Star quick enough and used it to chart her course. Hermione tried her best to stay close to shore as to not lose herself in the ocean, but at night with no light or sight scope, all she had were the stars.

What made it worse, was as days past Logan's body began to emit at putrid scent which almost made Hermione vomit; however, refusing to toss him out of the boat as if he were nothing was something she could bear to do. He had died saving her. A hero's death, she would call in her mind. Therefore, he deserved fit for the hero he was.

swish splash
swish splash

Hermione pushed on, arms aching and back riddled with sweat. The sun was high today and she could only hope for the day to have mercy and be over as quickly as possible. "Come on Poppy you're almost there," her father's voice rang in her ears.

This had been exactly what he would tell her whenever he saw she was close to giving up on something: a tedious book, practising her archery when she wasn't supposed to be doing such things, or couldn't get the steps right to a dance. Hermione's girlhood desire for perfection and frustration when she didn't achieve just that was always something she need help with.

Nevertheless, Lord Odin somehow always knew the right thing to focus her sights where they needed to be. Even now, without him near, the words brought about a sense of calm determination. "Don't give up now when you're so close."

Close to what? She wanted to answer back, the ocean around her was slowly getting narrower, the landing meeting sea, but she had no idea where exactly she was heading towards.

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