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❂Lauren's POV❂

It has been six years since I've seen y/n and her siblings. Six years since management told us not to have any contact with them. I really wanted to disobey management and run to y/n and just be with her, but they threatened our job. They would have leaked some fake rumour up about us and that would have been the end of our careers as singers.

I wanted to reach out to y/n so badly but I knew I couldn't. It was the worse mistake I've ever made. I miss her and the twins so much. I so badly wanted to be a figure in their life. I wanted to be there for them and y/n. But I wasn't. I hate myself everyday for it. I worshipped my career over y/n and that was the wrong thing to do.

We have finally finalising paperwork that allowed us to leave the label and be picked up by another that offered us twice as much and they said they'd allow us to see y/n and her siblings. I was over the moon excited to finally see her again.

This was also hard on Dinah. She had to let Zoe go and I knew that hurt her. They were so in love and I could see them getting married. I guess that's just not going to work out anymore. I have full faith in Dinah to fix things though. She knows how to get through to someone. I don't. I knew y/n was not going to accept me back even if I tried to explain. I had hurt her too many times and I did the worst thing that I could. I left her.

I was scrolling through Instagram on the account I secretly created to see what y/n and her siblings got up to. I knew she was with Matt but I didn't think it was too serious. I scrolled onto a photo of her and Matt and he was kissing her belly and her left hand was on his shoulder and I could see a ring. I read the caption and my heart dropped. I had lost her forever.


We rook things slow,
It gave us room to grow.
Our hearts started to beat as one,
That's when our love begun.

The alter is where we'll meet,
My life will be complete.
The two of us against the world,
My future is no longer blurred.

We welcome another,
They will arrive in the summer.
They will be loved by all,
A little one we will adore.

I am excited for our next chapter,
Even if things end in disaster.
Our hearts will beat together,
I will love you forever.

I love you Matt and I can't wait to become the newest member of the Daddario family. I cant wait for this kid to be born because I know you'll love it as much as you love Olly and Anna. Thank you for finding your way into my life, you've changed it for the better xoxo.

I threw my phone across the room and screamed. I then broke down and curled into myself on the bed in the room. I started uncontrollably sobbing. That should be me, not Matt. I heard muffled voices outside my door and I knew it was the girls sorting out who was going to come in. I knew it would be Camila.

"Lo babe what happened?" Camila asked softly as she entered the room and sat on the bed next to me and rubbed my back. I turned over and looked at her. Her face softened greatly and I cuddled into her. I had now calmed down a little and had my crying controlled.

"She's getting married Camz. Married to someone that isn't me. It should have been me Camz. Fucking management ruined that" I told her getting angry at the end. She just hugged me tighter. It was what I needed right now. Someone I could count on. I felt the bed dip behind me and a pair of arms wrapped around me. I knew it was Dinah and I was grateful she was here. She was one of my closest friends.

We stayed like this for what seemed like forever until Normani called us into the dining room of our shared house. Ally was currently out with Troy so it was just the four of us. I looked at the dinner table and saw a bunch of Chinese takeaway scattered on the table and I smiled greatly. I went and hugged Normani, then Lauren then Dinah. We all sat down and ate. The girls made me laugh and I had forgotten all about what happened earlier and I was grateful for my friends.

After eating all the food we went to the cinema room and put on Mulan. I loved this movie and the girls knew it. We all cuddled up on the couch and watched the movie while eating lollies and popcorn. We ended up all falling asleep on the couch cuddled into each other. I slept peacefully knowing I was definitely seeing y/n tomorrow.


♫Your POV♫

It was Sunday afternoon and we were all in the pool. Olly and Anna had a few friends over and it was hot so we decide to take them all in the pool. Matt was cooking burgers and sausages on the barbecue. He was only in his swimming trunks showing off his incredibly toned body. He was one I could stare at forever. The doorbell went off indicating someone was here. I gave Matt a confused look and he shrugged and blew me a kiss as he walked away.

He went to see who was at the door as I got all the kids out of the pool and dried them all a little bit before letting them run around the backyard. They had so much energy it was actually crazy. I went into the kitchen to grab the salads and fruit and brought it outside and placed it on the table. I went back in to grab the jug of water from the fridge and some plastic cups. Matt walked into the kitchen and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips.

"What was that for?" I asked him as he gave me another peck on the lips.

"I love you. There is also someone at the door for you" he told me as he kissed me once again. I was confused but I wasn't complaining. I gave him the water and cups and headed to the door. I was still in my bathing suite not really caring if anyone saw me in it. I walked to the door and once I saw who it was my heart dropped.

"Lauren?" I asked. She looked up at me and her green orbs were soft and full of regret. Why is she here?

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