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6 months later

♫Your POV♫

Today was the day of Zander and y/n's wedding. I was a bridesmaid along with Zoe. Dom was Zander's best man. I was extremely excited for the two of them. The twins spent the day with the Fifth Harmony girls and will be at the wedding later in the day. I was grateful for the girls taking them for me so I didn't have to look after them while I got ready.

I missed them so much though. They were 6 months old and they were absolutely adorable. They were always happy, they slept well during the night and didn't throw many tantrums. They loved each other and I could tell they would be best friends when they were older. Olly was 5 minutes older than Bell which wasn't much but I knew that he would be very protective over her when they are older.

I was in the room with Hailee watching her get her makeup and hair done. She was going to be a beautiful bride. Zander was one lucky man. I could see that they loved each other, they were good for each other.

"How are you coping being away from Olly and Bell?" Zoe asked as she came and sat on the couch next to me.

"It's hard. But it is comforting knowing that they are with Lauren and the others" I replied

"They are honestly the cutest kids I've ever seen" Zoe said smiling

"Yeah, it's just sad that Luke didn't want to be there for them" I replied

"Have you tried reaching out to him?" Zoe asked looking at me

"Yeah, I messaged him telling him that they were born and what their names were and that if he wanted to see them he just had to message me and we could set up a time, but he replied saying that he wanted nothing to do with me or the kids and blocked my number so I took that as a clear indication that he didn't want to make an effort and gave up." I replied and smiled sadly

"Well, we will always be here for the kids and I can see that Lauren really wants to be apart of their lives. They will be loved" Zoe said and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Okay well enough of this, we have a wedding to get to" Hailee said standing up and looking at us

"Wow you look absolutely beautiful" I said and went and hugged her making sure I didn't smudge her makeup or ruin her hair.

We all made our way to the limo that was taking us to the destination of the wedding. It was a 40 minute drive to the location.

Once we arrived we all got out and walked to where Hailee's dad was waiting for her. The flower girls walked down the isle, then me and the other bridesmaids followed. Then in came Hailee. I saw Zander shed a tear as he noticed the flowers used in the bouquet.


The wedding was absolutely beautiful and everyone had a good time. Zander was now officially a husband.

We were now at the party and I was on the dance floor with Olly in my arms while Lauren had Bell. It was in this moment that I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Lauren. She completed me and I could tell she loved Olly and Bell and that's all i ever wanted, for them to be loved.

Zander and Hailee came over and took the two children from us claiming they wanted to spend time with their godchildren. I wasn't going to say no so I happily gave them to them. The music changed to a slow song and Lauren pulled me into her and gave me a gentle kiss.

Her hands were securely placed on my waist while my arms lightly draped my arms around her neck and we swayed to the music. I rested my head on her shoulder and she pulled me closer.

"I love you" she whispered and kissed my head

"I love you too" I replied and kissed her shoulder


We were heading home. Both of the kids were asleep in the back of the car in their seats. I was driving as Lauren had had a few drinks and didn't want to risk it. Her hand was rested on my thigh and was lightly stroking it. To say I wasn't turned on would be a lie, but I knew I had to control myself.

We made it home and I got Olly while Lauren got Bell. We tried not to wake them but failed. It was 2 in the morning and I just wanted to sleep. But the kids had different plans. They were awake for another 3 hours. Let's just hope they sleep for a long time so I can sleep in. Zander and Hailee were staying at a hotel tonight and Zoe went with Dinah. I have no idea where Dom ended up but I'm sure he'll be alright.

I made my way upstairs to where Lauren was already asleep. I went into the bathroom and took off my makeup and brushed my hair and changed into a large t-shirt and hopped into bed next to Lauren. She instantly wrapped her arms around me.

Not even two hours later I felt a weight on top of me. I woke up and saw a heavily drunk Dom lying on me. I pushed him off and he fell to the floor with a grunt. I lightly laughed and got out of bed and helped him off of the floor.

"Come on. Let's get you to bed" I said as we walked out of my room and over to his

"You know...I you... Like you are the deserve so much" he slurred out and I smiled. We made it to his room and I took off his pants and his shirt so he was left in his boxers. I guided him to his bed and pulled his covers back and he lied down and he instantly fell asleep. I kissed his head and made my way back to Lauren stopping at the twins room beforehand.

They were both fast asleep and they looked adorable. I kissed their heads and made my way back to Lauren and collapsed into bed and snuggled into her. She kissed my head and we fell back into a peaceful sleep for the rest of the night. 

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