Leaving For Tour

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I woke up tangled with y/n. I don't know what it is about her but I just feel so comfortable around her. I feel as though we share a mutual connection and I feel sparks every time we touch and I know she feels it too.

Not wanting to wake her and everyone else up I decided to stay snuggled into the one I think I am falling for. Her smell is a mix of cherries and roses. I could lie here all day just snuggled into her, I felt safe when I am with her. Gosh what is she doing to me. I have known her for one day and I am already obsessed.

It felt like I have been lying here alone forever, but what was for really only about an hour or two before I felt y/n stir in my arms. I felt her grab my arm then I had draped over her waist. She shifted so she was facing me.

"Morning" she rasped out and snuggled into me again, with her head snuggled into my neck. Gosh she was adorable. I rested my head on hers.

"Good morning" I replied and pulled her closer. "Are you excited to leave today?" I asked quietly so I didn't wake anyone else.

"Yeah, I am pretty excited. I get to travel the world with some pretty awesome people" she said and I could just sense her smiling.

"Yes, yes you do" I replied. We lied there for another few hours until some other people started waking up and we decided to get up. y/n made her way to the kitchen to cook breakfast and make coffee for everyone.

I decided to check my social media and tweet somethings, retweet somethings and reply to some fans and follow them. I always loved interacting with them, they were all so supportive and they are the ones who got us where we are today.

I was soon attacked by a small little Cuban who decided to jump on me. She lied on top on me and rested her head on my chest.

"Morning Lolo" she said. "I missed our usual cuddle session last night but I see I was quickly replaced" she said with a slight giggle. I lightly smacked her arm but she knew me too well for me to deny anything.

"Morning Camz. Yes I did replace you, she is a much better snuggler than you" I said just because I knew it would annoy her. She lifted her head off my chest and gave me her world famous pout. I pinched her cheeks which caused her to giggle.

We heard everyone else start to move around so we decided to get up too. As I stood up I saw that Hailee and Zander were still asleep snuggled into each other. They were defiantly going to be the next hottest couple. I smiled to myself and made my way to the kitchen.

I saw y/n cooking pancakes and had waffles in the toaster. She had brewed a big pot of coffee knowing that everyone would want some. She was the honestly the cutest, she was so selfless and seemed to put others needs above her own.

"Smells good y/n/n" Camila said as she went and hugged y/n from behind and kissed her cheek. I was a little jealous of their relationship but I knew they were just friends as Camila has told me time and time again that she is straight.

We all sat around their dining room table as everything was brought out. Lots of little conversations were happening all around. I was in a deep conversation with Zoe and Dom about what the four of them get up to in their spare time. Let me tell you they have done some crazy shit in their lifetime.

I helped clean up the dishes as the members of 5SOS left back to their house to go and shower and do some last minute packing before we would see them later at the airport. Hailee also decided to leave to go and freshen up.

The five of us stayed a little longer and took a relaxing swim in their pool before leaving to go and get ready for the first leg of this tour.

I was so excited for this tour getting to spend time with some really awesome people and learning new things. I have always enjoyed touring and meeting the fans, but this one should be nice as it is not all about us and we don't have to try as hard. It will be nice to sit back and watch Electric Blue Heart perform.

They have come so far in such little time it truly amazes me. They are all so talented in their own way, and watching how they interact with each other is so special that you don't see very often. They are so lucky that they get to go through this experience as a family. I mean don't get me wrong I love this job but I really do miss my family. Only seeing them every so often.

I was currently in the shower freshening up a little before we were to go to the airport and fly off to Halifax. I hopped out of the shower and put on comfy clothes as I wasn't really worried with how I looked as we were only flying.

I put some last minute things in my carry on and made sure I had everything I needed in my suit case and made my way downstairs. The other girls were down there too all in casual attire reading to get this tour started. It was now about 4pm and our flight was at 9pm and we had to stop in Boston meaning we'd arrive in Halifax around 8am the next day.

We all jumped into the car after packing our luggage in the back. Dinah drove us and someone was there to take our car from us and park it for us. We all headed in with security following close behind. There were so many fans in the airport and it made me happy to see how happy we made them.

We had a little time to spare so we stopped and took some pictures with them and signed some stuff. We were ushered along by our security so we said goodbye and walked to the terminal. Everyone was there already and we all hugged everyone even though we had seen each other this morning.

I could tell this was going to be a good tour by just how happy everyone was and how well we all got along without even trying. No one was mad at anyone and people respected each other. I did notice how Hailee was still by Zander's side. I am fair guessing they are a thing and just haven't told anyone, I mean they make it quite obvious.

We sat around the airport playing truth or dare before we were called to board. y/n hand ended up having to jump onto the carts people get for their luggage and have to try and get them to keep pushing. She actually succeeded and I was very impressed.

Luke had to go and say something over the intercom, my gosh that was hilarious, he came back laughing which caused everyone to break out into a fit of laughter. The game was short lived as we were called to board.

I was sat next to Dinah and Hailee. I wasn't too fussed as I knew I would be sleeping most of the fight, but it did hurt to see y/n with Luke and Zander laughing about things. I saw the way he looked at her and I did not like it one bit.

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