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♫Your POV♫

We were finally back home after five months of traveling the world. It was the most amazing experience ever. I loved every moment I spent on stage, just seeing how many people actually liked our music outside of America was mind blowing.

I am now 16 weeks pregnant and my bump was now quite visible. I had to think of a way to tell the fans. I decided on taking a photo with Dom, Zoe and Zander all kissing my belly. I posted it with the caption: We can't wait to meet you 👶 💕👶.

As soon as I posted it the fans went crazy. So many people commented. They ranged from 'congratulations' to 'I'm so happy for you'. Then there was the question I was dreading the most. Who is the father? I knew I would have to announce something soon but I just wasn't sure on how to.

I sighed and locked my phone and walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed out the left over Chinese food from last night and put it in the microwave to reheat it. I sat on the counter while I waited for it to heat up.

I looked at my notifications to see that the Fifth Harmony girls commented on my post.

allybrooke: Congratulations, I am so excited for you. I am here if you ever need anything

normani: Congrats you amazing human, you're going to be a great mum x Ayyyye you gonna be one sexy mamma. Love you girl x

dinahjane97: Ayyyye you gonna be one sexy mamma. Love you girl x

camila_cabello: My bestie is gonna be a mamma. Love you long time, will be here if you need anything xoxo

laurenjauregui: Stay strong y/n. You'll be a great mum and those kids will love you forever. Here for you xo

I smiled at all the nice comments they left and I knew these kids will be lucky to have some amazing family looking out for them.

The microwaved beeped signalling it was finished I hopped off the counter and grabbed my food out and put it in a bowl. I made my way to the couch and sat down. It was late afternoon and Dom, Zander and Zoe were out at some party with the record company. I was just too exhausted to go so I stayed home.

My hair was in a messy bun, I had on one of Zander's hoodies and a pair of joggers with my rainbow toe socks. I was in prime comfort zone. I had Pocahontas on and was content with my left over Chinese food.

I was pulled from my movie when there was a knock at the door. I slowly got up and walked over to the door and looked through the peep hole in the door but someone had covered it so I carefully opened the door and was greeted by the girls of Fifth Harmony. I opened the door wider to let them in.

They were carrying bags full of food and I had no idea why they were here.

"Damn mamma, you pregnant and in sweats and you still look fine" Dinah said as she gave me a hug.

"We brought all your favourite candies and a few tubs of ice-cream for you" Camila said as she walked through to the kitchen. The others followed her and I shut the door and followed them too.

"oooooo you're watching Pocahontas, I love this movie." Normani stated as she went and sat down on the couch. I followed her and so did Ally and Dinah. Normani and Ally sat on the floor while Dinah and I sat on the couch. I pressed play not wanting for Lauren and Camila to join us.

❂Lauren's POV❂

I was in the kitchen helping Camila put some of the candies we brought into bowls for the others. I couldn't stop thinking about y/n and how she would have to raise two kids as a single mother. Yes, she had us and her siblings but she will have no second parent to share the responsibility with.

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