Europe Part Two

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⁂There is smut in this chapter so if you don't want to read it skip past the bit with this symbol next to it (♥) and where it ends there will be another one. You have been warned.⁂

♫Your POV♫

Europe has been absolutely amazing. We have been to Dublin, Glasgow, Manchester, London, Paris and Munich, and now we are in Rome, our last stop before our Asia leg of the tour. They were all beautiful places and the fans were absolutely crazy. It is so great to see that so many people outside of America listen to and love our music.

When we started YouTube two years ago we did not expect to come this far. We went from doing covers, to producing and creating our own music. It is the best feeling when you see smiles on everyones faces because of your music.

"Babe can you please pass me my shirt" I heard Luke ask from the bathroom. We have been on a few dates during this part if the tour. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet but my feelings for him have grown. If Lauren didn't want me I needed to move on.

I got off the bed and got out a shirt for Luke. I picked out my favourite one. I got out his Guns and Roses top and went to the bathroom to give it to him. He put it on then pulled me into him. He kissed the top of my head and snuggled further into him intoxicated by his freshly applied cologne. I pulled away and he pulled me into a gentle loving kiss. He was so gentle with me and I loved it. I smiled into the kiss and we broke away and he kissed my forehead.

"I have a surprise for you tonight at the show" he said as he walked past me to put in his shoes. I was late afternoon and we were all heading to the area for tonight.

"What is it?" I asked as I too put my shoes on and grabbed my sunglasses, bag and phone.

"Well if I told you it would no longer be a surprise would it" he replied as he slipped his sunglasses onto his head.

"Awww but I don't like surprises" I told him and pouted. He smiled and walked over to me and gave me a kiss making my pout disappear.

"Deal with it babe" he said with a light chuckle. He leaned into kiss me but I moved my face out of the way before he could as I was pretending to be mad at him. I turned to exit out the door but two firm but gentle hands were placed on my hips. I squealed in surprise as he turned me around and picked me up and spun me around. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he stopped spinning and he placed his hands under my thighs not too far away from my butt.

I smiled at him and pulled him into a deep kiss. My fingers tangled into his semi-long curly hair that was recently washed. His hands moved slowly to my ass and he lightly squeezed it. I slightly moaned into the kiss which was what he wanted as his tongue slipped into my mouth and we fought for dominance which he easily won. We continued this for a few minutes until we realised that we needed to leave to go to the area as the others were in the lobby waiting for us.

"Be my girlfriend?" He asked before he put me down. I smiled and nodded and brought him in for another kiss. He let me down gently and I fixed up my hair and placed my sunglasses on my head as we made out way to the door. As we got out of the elevator I slipped my hand into his as we walked to the others.

They were all sitting on the couches. Zoe was in Dinah's lap, Lauren was in Dom's and Hailee was in Zander's. Everyone got along so well which I loved as it made the tour so much easier and less drama filled. I saw Dinah with a smirk plastered on her face as we walked over hand in hand. Everyone stood up and we made our way out to the cars.

There was paparazzi everywhere. I could feel my anxiety pick up. Luke must have noticed as he pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around my shoulders as mine wrapped around his waist. I loved how protective he was. He made me feel safe and I loved it.

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