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Are your characters drinking alcohol? See if the following lines inspire you...

The next day I was hung over. The inside of my mouth felt furry and my eyes ached.

The next day I was hung over. The inside of my mouth felt like millions of tiny bacteria were inside barfing.

He was looking at life through the bottom of a beer glass.

He had been drinking. His eyes were red-rimmed and dull.

It tasted like a rain-soaked peat bog on my tongue.

I spat most of it out. What little I did swallow, felt like fire sliding down my throat.

Peter contemplated the dregs in his glass.

Peter gazed at her over the rim of his glass.

As his state of inebriation deepened, his speech become slurred.

I had been drinking enough to impair my vision. My hands seemed to recede into the distance while the room swiveled.

My peripheral vision swiveled.

In the morning my tongue felt as if it had licked out a hotel ashtray.

"Are you sure you don't want a drink?"

"I'm an alcoholic; 'wanting' doesn't have anything to do with it."

Frank held his glass of Scotch up to the light and admired the color.

Problems usually swim out of focus when you look at them through the bottom of a bottle.

If I was sober you wouldn't DARE call me drunk!

"This whisky's proof is so low it's just circumstantial evidence!"

Iridescent (showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles.)

I bellied up to the bar.

He pulled on his beer.

I belted back a whisky shot.

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