Talking, Conversation, and Tone

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Talking, Conversation, and Tone

Do you want to spice up a conversation between characters or change the tone? See if the following lines inspire you...

He rested his elbows on the table, laced his finders together and leaned forward.

"We will not!" he said attempting to bring a measure of authority to his voice.

"I don't feel so good." she said, flat-voiced, dull-eyed.

His voice was eerily quiet and his pupils were shrunk to the size of pinpricks.

I leaned forward, greedy with curiosity.

I could tell from her tone that my mother had something on her mind and intended to browbeat me and my father into submission with it.

His mouth opened to say something, but he thought better of it.

His mouth opened to say something, but he changed his mind and it snapped back shut.

Said Frank with his shoulders back in a defiant posture.

"I guess you'll ________ ." he said, ginning, rocking back on his heals.

Laughter flickered behind his eyes. "That sounds uncomfortable."

I was nervous and, as hard as I tried, I couldn't keep my voice from sounding like it was coming out of Minnie Mouse.

His voice was as smooth as vanilla custard.

"If you say so." Samber said deferentially. That stuck me as odd since it had been years since I could ever recall Samber showing deference to anyone.

I rocked back on my heels. "Funny how Jesus favors rich people over the poor."

"Well, well, look who is coming." I turned to see who, but by the purr in her voice I was not surprised it was Uncle Peter.

"Why?" she said smiling broadly, giving me the squint eye.

"Is this a good place to talk?" he asked in confidential tones.

Dad opened his mouth to say something, thought better of it, and reached for his glass of water.

Keven kept his voice low, but neutral.

" 'Never play around with a gun.' " I said, imitating Uncle Peter's inflections.

"Peter!" Kim said, the pleasure evident in her both voice and warm smile.

He templed his fingers as I spoke.

Her communications with Jeannie had become curt and almost rude.

"Hello, Jeannie." Peter said, trying to force a smile.

"You never said that!" he wailed.

His voice was as smooth as custard, his expression benign.

He muttered something that was too low to carry.

"Anyone have a problem with that?" she said, standing hand on hip.

He muttered something that was too low to carry.

"Did you shoot anyone?" asked Kim hopefully.

She acknowledged the accuracy of his comment with a slight dip of her head. "I can't argue with that."

"Because you are ALWAYS doing things like that." she said making no effort to keep the exasperation out of her voice.

"I'd be happy to support your law if..." Jimmy let the sentence dangle, giving Kim the opportunity to complete it.

I blew out a sigh. "Fine."

He mumbled something indiscernible.

"What kind of trouble?" asked Mom and Abigail in unison.

"Who told me that?" he made a great show of searching his memory. "Yes... I remember now."

"Nothing." She waved it off.

"___" he said, trying not to sound annoyed.

Peter's voice hardened.

"That can only happen if..." He stopped, his voice trailing off.

"That can only happen if ---" But the words caught in my throat.

"Peeeeeeeeeter," she said in a low angary drawl.

"____" said Uncle Peter tightly, fighting to keep his temper in check.

"____" screeched the woman in an alarmed, high-pitched voice.

His voice was ragged, exhausted.

Her tone was triumphant, as if her question was unanswerable and she had won the argument.

Samber seized upon the new topic of conversation.

She wondered how to broach the subject.

Her voice was rich with mimicry.

I heard myself saying "Fine." but I did not mean it. I was far from fine.

Samber mimicked him: "Bla bla bla. Look at me. I'm a big shot."

"That was 'clever'." he said with air quotes.

"____" the words stuck in her throat like a sharp-edged stone.

His voice betrayed no hint of (anger/surprise/humor/sympathy).

"I'm sure of it." she said in a manner that indicated she was sure of no such thing.

"___" she said, evidently reasoning aloud, "___"

She reacted physically to the word, cringing noticeably.

She took a step closer to me, hands raised and index fingers extended, as if she were trying to point to something I had just said.

"___" Peter did not immediately respond, so Frank pressed the momentary advantage the lull provided. "___"

"____" she said, reassuring herself.

He listened dubiously. (doubtfully)

"NOOooooo," she said, drawing the word out until it tapered softly at the end.

It was Uncle Peter's best attempt at a "drop the mike" speech/pep-talk.

He spoke in clear, enunciated words.

"Be quiet!" the volume was inaudible, but the shape of the words was clear.

"No." she said tersely, then lapsed into silence.

She watched with undisguised (loathing/curiosity/longing/etc...).

"I see," said Samber, dragging the two words out ominously.

"I see," said Samber, in the gentle tones of someone trying to talk someone off a ledge.

His tone was pleasant, but detached.

The undercurrent of ____ in his voice...

Her tone grew teasing.

He lowered his voice conspiratorially.

His response was hardly reassuring: "If he wanted you dead, you would be."

His tone grew openly _____. (sarcastic, fearful, angry, morbid, joyful, etc...)

Her tone held a hint of anger.

"Keep your voice down." said Uncle Peter in a low aside. "We don't have enough for everyone." ("Aside" = To take someone aside to talk in private.)

"_____" Uncle Peter wispered for my ears alone.

"_____" he said with the frankness of a man with nothing to loose.

"_____" his voice was steady, giving away nothing.

His voice filled the room with foreboding.

I schooled my voice to hide the (anger, fustration, admeration, nausia) I felt.

"______" she asked flatly, her voice giving nothing away

"____" she said parking her fist on her hip. "___".

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