Weather Imagery

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Weather Imagery

Are you writing about the wind, the sky, clouds, or the weather? See if the following lines inspire you...

We were caught in a gust of wind, and hunkered down into our jackets.

Clouds had rolled in low and thick, the consistency and color of lard.

The sky was overcast. No moon. No streetlights. No headlights. True darkness.

I stepped outside and turned my jacket collar up against the wind.

The weather was dismal, grey, and gloomy. The city was a massive graveyard and now the weather finally matched.

Clouds had rolled in, obscuring the moon and stars.

The sky was gunmetal grey and my mood was equally grim.

The sky had begun to lighten. Blue stripes of sky, black layers of clouds.

The charcoal black sky was now sapphire blue.

I was freezing my butt off, wondering where the hell the sun was.

The air felt crisp.

The air was crisp and the night sky was starless and black.

The trees bundled close and dark against the sky.

The bad weather was the perfect accompaniment for my mood.

Above, the sky was cloudless.

The dawning sky was the color of a deep bruise.

I looked into the clear night sky, the infinite blackness stared back at me, featureless but for the stars.

The night sky was ready to devour the fleeting day.

The farm was eerily quiet, as if a sorcerer had cast a spell over the land.

Feathery clouds had stolen into the blue sky and the wind had picked up considerably.

If the skyscape could growl, it would have.

Dark clouds were looming up fast like a tax audit.

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