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Do you have a character who's happy or experiencing joy? See if the following lines inspire you...

His face was wreathed in happiness.

Uncle Peter and I did a high five and then a down low.

Peter rocked back on his heals while a smile stretched the width of his face.

Happiness and relief rushed from the center of my chest clear to my toes and fingertips.

Uncle Peter started to laugh. But it was more of an abrupt bark of amusement.

"We must work on your Joie de vivre." said Grandpa Kevin sarcastically. (Joie de vivre = a feeling of happiness or excitement about life.)

His eyes flickered with joy.

"Hah!" crowed Beth.

Uncle Peter looked positively buoyant.

I felt a rumble of excitement all the way to my toes.

His voice had a giddy edge to it.

It was a heart-lifting experience.

I felt a glow of satisfaction.

He clapped silently and burst out smiling.

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