Bad Guys

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Bad Guys

Want to add more depth to your villains? See if the following lines inspire you...

He's a small man who feels a rush of power in his belly and enjoys it far too much.

Frank possessed a forked silver tongue.

Frank was charming, in an asshole sort of way.

"____" Frank continued, becoming more full of himself by the moment, "____"

The concept of __________ did not have much importance in Frank's world view.

Frank made me appreciate the eternal adage "The more things change, the more they stay the same."

Frank was NOT the conscientious type.

When most people are told things they don't understand, they politely request clarification. But not Frank. Whenever he was told something he did not understand, he usually acted annoyed and impatient. As if the other person had no business being better informed then he.

Frank radiated arrogance.

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