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Are you writing about smoke and fire? What about characters who fight fires? See if the following lines inspire you...

Flames were shooting through the smoke.

I shrank from the unbearable heat hitting my exposed skin.

As he wept the taste of salt mingled with that of soot.

The walls were scorched.

Billowing smoke.

Smoke billowed from the window.

"_____?" she asked, over the crackling flames.

"_____!" he yelled, then yielded to a coughing fit.

Fanning the air with his hands, straining to see through the smoke and tear-filled eyes.

With my throat and eyes burning, we extinguished the last small tongue of flame.

Perspiration rolled down my face, mingling with tears and soot.

His words degenerated into a spasm of coughs.

One wall had aluminum siding that had melted. It drooped like rolled down socks from the heat.

She moved to the fire place, which was getting low in the grate, and gave it a prod with her poker.

She kindled the candle's wick.

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