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Do you have a character who's worried or stressed? See if the following lines inspire you...

I sank my teeth into my lower lip.

Samber gave an involuntary shiver.

My large breakfast slid in my stomach.

She chewed on her lower lip.

Little frown lines appeared between his eyebrows when I said that.

I did my best to resist them, but the tears came anyway, silently spilling down my cheeks.

His smile was tight.

Concern pinched the corners of his eyes.

His posture was still relaxed, but the line of his mouth had tightened.

It took only thirty seconds, but those thirty seconds stretched into an eternity.

Samber steeled herself. steeled = Mentally prepare oneself to do or face something difficult.

My stomach was queasy and my heart was tap-dancing in my chest.

My heart was beating faster than normal. Not exactly "racing", but defiantly jogging.

Her channel was still tuned to "distraught".

My stomach went hot and sick and my brain got cobwebby.

We both did some mental knuckle cracking and tried not to look nervous.

She bit her lower lip.

My vision became cobwebby and I felt sick.

"____" his voice sounding like the chime of doom.

Samber looked around uneasily.

That only served to ratchet up the tension.

I blew out a sigh of relief.

The air was thick with collective angst.

He tried to keep the worry from his voice, but was only partly successful.

There was nothing for me to do except dwell on the danger and imagine the worst.

"Okay." Samber managed to get a lot of worry into that word.

Samber swallowed hard.

"____" I said, through a mouth gone suddenly dry.

My mother was developing an eye twitch.

"Tell that to my acid reflux."

All this uncertainty is not helping my acid reflux.

I got an achy feeling at the bottom of my throat.

I felt my blood temperature drop a notch at the thought of it.

Concern showed in his furrowed brow.

With my fingertips I tried to rub away the ache that swelled behind my brow.

I exhaled slowly and I realized I had been holding my breath without being aware of it.

A bead of sweat appeared on his face and grew until it rolled down.

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