Chapter 20: You're WHAT!?

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Natasha headed to Danni's room after noticing that she hadn't come out today. In front of the door she can hear pacing, footsteps that were light, she identified as Danni. Knocking on the door, the footsteps stop before a voice called out, "Who is it?" Natasha can hear in Danni's voice that she's been crying. 

"Natasha." She hesitated, clearly worried for someone she considers a sister, "Can I come in?"

On the other side of the door, Danni brought her hand up to the door handle, pausing before grasping it and opening the door. She lifted her head up, letting her red-headed friend see her tears and worry in her eyes. 

"Oh Hun, what's wrong?" 

Letting her into her room, Danni quickly closes the door before turning to face Natasha. "I'm pregnant." She blurted out, not really knowing what her initial plan to explain was and immediately scrunched her face up in dislike of the phrasing.

Natasha paused briefly before her old training habits came back and her face became void of any emotion. Slowly turning to face her she repeated, "You're pregnant?" 

"Yes and I don't know what to do because Bucky and I had never actually spoken about kids. What if he doesn't want the baby? I know we have Indigo but that was a different case, I took her in and eventually he became her father it just happened. This time, I have to be careful with what I do, what I eat and what I drink. There's stuff to buy cause we donated most of Indigo's stuff." Danni's breath was getting faster and shorter, which Nat noticed pretty quickly and jumped into action.

"Hey. Hey, Dan. Hey. Just listen to me, copy my breathing pattern, okay? In." She took a deep breath in, watching as Danielle slowly began to copy her, "Out. In. Out" Repeating this until her Brunette friend slowed her breathing, she smiled. "Bucky will want this kid. You know he does, it's just the nerves talking. He loves you and Indigo and this little baby-your little baby growing inside of you and nothing will change that."

"Thanks, Nat." Danni had never felt more grateful for a friend like the ones she had than she did today. 

Hearing a knock on the door, the two women look at each other before looking towards the door in sync. They see the shadow of someone from under the door, not knowing if it's safe to answer.

"Elle?" Bucky's voice is muffled by the door separating them. "Are you okay? You haven't come out of here all say."

Spinning towards Natasha in another state of panic, she does some odd hand gestures that Nat seems to understand. Nat replies in some other hand motions and it goes on and on until they hear another knock. Natasha does a gesture, obviously encouraging Danni to answer the door. Sighing, she slowly walks towards the only object that, when removed, can give her the answer she wants. 

Opening the door she comes face-to-face with her husband, the person who, despite the slightly patchy meeting, stuck by her. Her lost so much sleep looking for her when she was missing, looked after their daughter by himself and made her feel like she was worth something. So, when meeting the eyes of the person she fell for, she relaxed knowing everything would work out.

"I'm gonna let you two have some space. Tell me how everything goes, okay?" Natasha directed the last sentence towards Danielle, to which she nodded. 

After their friend left them, Bucky turned towards his wife, immediately knowing something is wrong by her body language. Her eyes are flickering around the room, her feet are moving about and she's scratching her wrist, all are tells that she's nervous or lying. "What's going on with you?" 

She hesitated for half a second before answering, "I have to tell you something. I'm just worried of your reaction." She said, only telling the half truth. She was worried about his reaction but she was also worried about the outcome of it. She knew that their love was unconditional but fear isn't something people can control. 

Bruised, Broken and Tortured (Avengers)---UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now