Chapter 15: First Steps

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Lately Bucky had taken to stealing Indigo, what for Danielle didn't know. What she did know, however, was that he was being so secretive that he had gone to avoiding it when brought into a conversation. 

She was just reading a new book she had gotten when Bucky came in looking beyond excited. She finished her paragraph, placed her bookmark in between the pages of ink and turned her attention towards Bucky.

Upon seeing the expression on her face, he began to rush his reasons for disappearing "Before you get anymore angrier than I see you are, please, listen." He pleaded quickly, yet gently.

"Okay." She agreed after a minute of observing him. 

"I've been planning a surprise but I needed Indigo to be included. For which reasons, you will see now....if you want." He said the last part slightly slower than the rest after realising what a stupid way to say 'sorry for keeping you from our daughter for no reason known to you whatsoever'. 

He held not only his hand out but also his breathe, preparing himself for any possible shouting. After hearing nothing or feeling any physical contact, he opened his eyes, which he hadn't realised had shut from anticipation. 

"Please?" He questioned cutely, using his puppy eyes against Danni. 

Sighing, she placed her book down and grabbed his hand. Pulling her up, he gave her a kiss on this cheek, knowing that even the smallest display of affection from him would have her blushing. 

Guiding her out of their room, he led her towards the kitchen where everyone was. Tony, Rhodey and Bruce were all by the counter, Sam, Steve, Wanda and Vision were by the couches, Thor was by the wall near the large window and Peter was directly in-front on Danni and Bucky. Noticing Peter was holding Indigo made her smile of how cute they were. Looking around, she made a confused face, not understanding the 'surprise'. 

Suddenly, Peter kneels down, being careful of Indigo. He whispered something in her ear and Danni watches her smile that was obviously contagious as everyone in the room smiled. Indigo turns back towards her mother and her expression turns into a concentrated as she stares at her feet.  

Suddenly, as if she knew what to do, she placed her left foot forward slightly, not even noticing Peter's hands hovering around her in case she falls. Just barely steadying herself, Indigo put her right foot in front of the left and after noticing she was getting somewhere she began giggling. 

Danielle watched with tears in her eyes as Indigo, step-by-step got closer to her. When she was a foot or two away, she slowly bend down, her knees on the ground. She raised her arms when Indigo was there and pulled her close, hugging her while tears silently ran down her cheeks. 

Elle looked around at everyone, Indigo in her arms giggling from the affection her mother was giving her. "You guys suck." That was all Danni had to say.Everyone in the room either laughed or smiled knowing she only said it because of her tears. 

Bucky walked over and put his hand on Indigo, and kissed both of his girls on their cheeks. He knew that Danni had forgiven him for stealing Indigo for so long and he knew that after what she just witnessed she would be paying him back by using as much time as possible with him and Indigo. 

Everyone was talking with each other, for once feeling like they didn't have to constantly look over their shoulders, finally feeling like they could be normal people...even for a day.

No one saw the red dot from the ceiling that was an indication that JARVIS was recording the whole thing, adding to the file marked 'Family memories'.


Hey guys, 

                 another chapter done!!!

So...I'm sorry that these chapters have been short as of late but I promise soon they will be getting longer.

 We are over 700 views!!! Thank you all to those who have read, voted and commented because the only reason I carried on with this book is because of you guys. Alot of people have send me private messages and I want to thank them for any help they gave. 


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