Chapter 13: The Date!

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The whole time from the asking of the date and the date, Bucky had spent planning and making everything perfect. Danni had tried figuring out what it was but eventually gave up after the fourth time. Bucky told Wanda to help her pick out a cute but casual outfit, then bring her back to the shared living area.

Wanda had chosen a simple but cute dress that ended at mid-thigh. From the waist above it was white with thin straps. A thin belt lines her waist, making it seems smaller. It was a simple silver with small cracks in-bedded into the belt to create a pattern. The skirt of the dress was a mix of the white fabric and various types of blue flowers. She was wearing some brown knee high boots as it was a little cold.

Maybe she was nervous, maybe she was excited or maybe she was both but either way it had her heart beating a mile a minute. Her palms were clammy and her breathing had sped up slightly but at that moment she didn't care.

Turning round the corner, Bucky came into view. Wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a button-up shirt. The sleeves of the black shirt rolled up to his elbows and the top button left undone...yet he still managed to look more handsome than the hour before.

Danni saw that he was talking with Steve, obviously nervous himself. Noticing that Steve got Bucky's attention after seeing her, she watched his reaction as her turned around.

He stopped once laying his eyes on her. Just standing there staring, his mouth slightly open from shock and his hands, that were once rubbing the other, had gone slack. He slowly starts towards her, not in a predatory manner but a caring manner.

"Hey." Danni said shyly, noticing everyone but Bucky leaving the room.

He chuckled lightly "Hey." He gestured towards her "You"

Danni blushed lightly. "You look very handsome."

They stare at each other for a few seconds more before suddenly-

" Are you guys ever going to leave or make freaky lovey eyes at each other?" Tony asked, popping his head in while eating a packet of blueberries.

Bucky clears his throat before holding his hand out. "Shall we?"

Danni giggles slightly, pushing her hair behind her ear. "We shall." Grabbing his hand they leave towards the elevator and click the button heading for the garage.

-------After the car ride-------

Looking at her surrounding, Danni realised they were at a forest preserve. That was the only thing she saw before her eyes were covered. She jumped, startled by the soft fabric around her eyes.

Bucky chuckled "Sorry, it's just me. Calm down."

Taking a deep breathe to calm down, she nodded. They walked for a little bit, having small talk but never was it awkward or quiet.Not long after walking, they stopped and Danni was being very impatient about taking the blindfold off, Bucky having to fix it several times. Letting her eyes adjust to the brightness of her surroundings before gasping in surprise.

They were in a beautiful clearing with flowers of all shapes and colours surrounding it. Trees grew everywhere, towering over everything. A clearing showing there sky was visible showed the stars. Hung upon the trees were lanterns that filled the area with a light that made it even more perfect. There was a red and black blanket on the floor with small pegs keeping it down.

Bringing Danni over to the blanket, Bucky placed the basket, that Danni hadn't noticed before, on the ground. Standing up straight again he turned towards Elle and watched as she looked around in awe. Feeling proud that he made that happen, he stretched his arm out towards Danni.

Bruised, Broken and Tortured (Avengers)---UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now