Chapter 10: I can't do this anymore...

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————-Bucky's P.O.V————-
Waking up to the sound of a baby crying wasn't the way I planned today. Feeling Indigo playing with my face was a normal occurrence but right now...something felt off.
I opened my eyes only to see that the sun was setting and the others were just waking up, like me, on the floor. Only just remembering what happened, I shot up into a sitting position and looked around. Grabbing Indigo gently from her place off the floor I slowly stood up, everyw
one following slightly after.
Looking around I looked for something different or missing...and as my eyes searched the room I notice one thing, but it seemed my mouth caught up before my mind as the first thing that came out set everyone into a frenzy. "Danielle."

———In an unknown location————
——-Danielle's P.O.V——-
Quickly recalling what happened my eyes flew open to reveal an unfamiliar room. Standing on  shaky legs, my eyes flying around the room, I realise that it was a HYDRA cell. I began panicking, hoping that I was the only one taken.
"BUCKY!!!! TONY!!!!! SAM!!!!! ARE YOU GUYS THERE?!?!?"
I didn't get an answer as I was suddenly electrocuted. Due to the shock I dropped down, my hands flying to my neck when I found a collar placed on it. After a little while the shocks stopped and the door to the cell opened....revealing someone I hoped to never see again.
"Hello again....Elemanta."
"Volko..." I held back from saying anything that could get me into even more trouble. "What am I doing here?" I, more or less, demanded an answer.                                                                                               He walked along the bars of the cell and, ignoring the questions asked continued with what he was going to say, "We are going to have so much fun now your here, Angel."

 ------Three months later-----                                                                                                                                               ------The avengers Tower------                                                                                                                                           ------Bucky's P.O.V------

Three months...I've gone three months without Danielle, looking after Indigo while trying to find her. We've raided seven HYDRA bases but none f them have her. I don't know how many weeks it's been since I've had a decent nights sleep. Most of the time my mind stays awake, imagining what HYDRA are doing to her. I need to get her out...which leads us to now:

"We have a new lead!" Tony's announcement grabs my attention away from Indigo momentarily. 

"What is it?" I'm the first one to question, noticing the folder in his hand.

"Fury found a long-term HYDRA agent living a few blocks up from Central Park. If anyone knows anything, it should be him."

"Should?" Natasha questioned.

"Well, if he's as serious as Fury made him out to be than I don't think he'll talk easily." Tony stated.

"What are we waiting for then?" I questioned, handing Indigo to Wanda, who offered to look after her while we were out.

After getting suited up with everyone else, we headed off towards the address. The only thought running through my head was Please don't be another dead end. 



I wanted to post something nut I have writers block and as people say "you can't rush perfection" so I didn't. I have also been ill.

I have a question....Do you want me to do a Teen Wolf x The Originals story or The Originals x Twilight? I have been obsessed with the ones I've been reading and wanted to try them out.

Please comment, vote and enjoy...


Bruised, Broken and Tortured (Avengers)---UNDER EDITINGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang