Chapter 8: Admiral Furrycheeks

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The next month everyone wanted to walk around the city as they had nothing else to do. Danielle, despite being at the tower for almost a year, still loved the incredible city know as New York. 

Danielle, Natasha and Wanda were in front of everyone else discussing the fact that the amount of tension between Natasha and Bruce is suffocating. Ever since the prank with Peter, when he got them accidentally stuck to a wall together, they have been avoiding each other.

"I think that you should do what Danielle did, lock him in a room with you, when no one else is around and confront him." Wanda suggests casually, as if they weren't talking about trapping someone who turns into a green gummy-bear.

"I don't think shoving him in a room, with no way out to confront him, is the best idea, Wanda." Danni disagrees. " He could loose control and hurt Nat... or worse. I suggest asking him to talk until he finally agrees."

Natasha thinks for a second, taking both ideas into consideration , before coming to a conclusion. " I have to agree with Danielle." She then turns to face Danielle. " Thanks for the advice Elle (A/n:Pronounced El)."

"You can take my advice anytime you want. I never use it anyway." She states with a serious face that automatically made the only girls of the group laugh.Soon enough the boys joined them and they had a relaxed day as a group.

After a few hours they started to head back, Danielle, Sam and Steve extremely tired after trying to catch Admiral Furrycheeks the First. When ever they got close the squirrel would run to where they were previously standing, almost to mock them. 

On their way past an alley way they heard something cry out, like it knew they were there. Everyone was ready to carry on walking but Danielle had other ideas. She steadily walked into the alley, listening for the same high-pitched cry, eventually leading to a small box. By now everyone else had followed her, not wanting to take any chances of Danielle getting hurt. 

She shakily removed the lid of the wet box to reveal blue/green eyes staring back at her, full of curiosity. A small baby with beautiful blue-green eyes looked at all the avengers before smiling a toothless smile. Danielle picked up the brunette baby girl, keeping her in the worn, thin blankets she had covering her. As she was lifted, a small piece of paper was found falling from the bundle or fabric and dirt. Bucky knelt down and picked it up, unfolding it until the whole letter was revealed:

Whom ever reads this letter,

                                                            I cannot provide the home a baby needs, I hope with everything I have and am that you will look after her, raise her and love her in all the ways I can't.

I'm not in a place where I can have a baby to look after and as much as it pains me to admit, I won't be a good mother. I have done some horrible things and everything is beginning to catch up with me. 

By the time you have read this me and my husband will no longer be alive and I pray that you will look after her. 

We haven't named her but we are sure that you will find one that fits her perfectly. Her birthday is the 5th July 2018. 

Do everything in your power to make her feel loved and be the parents we couldn't be.

After Bucky read the letter, it was silent for a few moments before Danielle stood up with the baby and letter, heading for the tower. Everyone looks at each other before rushing after her, trying to figure out what she's doing.

"What are you doing, smallest maiden?"

"Are you seriously asking me that Thor?"

Everyone shouted in union "YES!!"

She turned around sharply to face them, holding the letter up while balancing the baby on her other arm "This letter asked who ever found this baby to look after her, so that's what I'm going to do, if you have a problem with it then I'll find a new place to live." She stated looking at them all with a determination they hadn't seen before. Everyone, thinking best not to argue, remained silent and followed her back home.

The first action made when they got back was by Danielle, asking J.A.R.V.I.S to create a list of supplies for a baby girl. After being given a list she then enlisted the help of Natasha and Wanda to help with the picking of certain items, Bucky, Steve and Thor for all the heavy lifting and then proceeded to ask everyone else to help move her room around to make a baby area, entrusting Clint to look after the infant. Heading to the biggest mall, they began their search of the cutest,pinkest and most adorable baby-related things they could find. 

Packing the rest of the items into the limo, they set off back to the tower. Arriving into the garage, they all got out and carried the bags into the elevator heading to Danielle's floor. After reaching it, they proceeded to her room seeing that the others who stayed behind, minus Clint, had finished and were having a conversation that stopped when they noticed they were back.

"Got everything?" Tony questioned, staring at all the bags the lay on the floor. Danielle nodded as she handed Tony his credit card. 

"Yep, babies need alot of stuff." Danielle stated, leaning on Bucky from exhaustion. 

Suddenly, they heard crying. Danielle realising it was the baby infant she rescued from the cold, ran to find Clint. Upon entering her living room with the avengers in tow, she found Clint having trouble calming her down. 

"What's up?" Danielle questioned worriedly, fearing something bad happened but upon hearing her voice the baby stopped crying.

"What?! I tried so many thing to quiet you and she says one thing and....nothing." Clint stares at the baby in disbelief as she smiles at Danielle.

Reaching her hands up towards Danni, indicating that she wants to be held by her, Danni complies. Getting her into a more comfortable position Danielle announces " I'm gonna go feed her. Who knows the last time she ate." 

Retreating to the kitchen, she reaches the cupboard they filled with baby supplies earlier, grabbed the milk mix and baby bottle. After giving it a good clean she made the milk mixture, checked to make sure it was the right temperature and proceeded in feeding the brunette baby, which she clearly appreciated as she drank the warm mixture. 

Heading back into the living room, she saw that the avengers had settled themselves on the couch and were talking amongst themselves. She took the seat between Bucky and Natasha, who immediately gave the child her finger to grip onto. 

As Danielle looked up at everyone, after checking the baby was okay, she saw everyone staring at her with a look she couldn't identify. "What?" 

"Your good with kids. We just expected you to be more panicky, you know the whole 'I can't breathe, I'm gonna die' type panicky" Tony got slapped on the back of the head by Clint after his comment. 

"Don't say that!" She scolded, not noticing everyone smile at her from how motherly she sounds, "You'll jinx me." She looked back down at the babe in her arms to see that she had finished her milk and had begun to fall asleep. " Can one of you look after her while she falls asleep? I still need to sort her room out." She looked up at everyone.

"I will" Bucky volunteers himself, looking over at his girlfriend. He grabs the baby as Danielle begins to pass her over, holds her in a comfortable position and looks down to see her extraordinary eyes staring at him. He rocks her gently until her eyes flutter shut, then looks up to see Danielle still there as everyone else had somehow vanished. She was staring at him with a small smile on adorning her face. "What?" 

Her smile grows bigger at his oblivious expression " You surprise me more and more everyday."


"By being you." She states before heading into her room.

"Hey" Bucky's voice halted her footsteps as she turned her head slightly to see him staring at her. "What's her name?" 


Bruised, Broken and Tortured (Avengers)---UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now