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I never thought that I would get this far in a self-written book let alone that people read them. 

I just want to explain somethings....So I have been in really bad places before and writing was my escape, just going to a fake reality of what I wish out world was so...I was also serverly bullied in school which led to leaving school and being home-schooled, which also didn't help with my social ability. The bullying got so bad that I refused to leave the house alone and if I did I would have to be one the phone to my mum or cousin. After home-schooling for two years I went to college for a few weeks (the first day having an anxiety attack) before I left due to pressure.

So thanks you all for reading (if your still reading) and helping me out a bit. 

I also need help with a story I want to start. It will be either a TeenWolf crossed-over with The Originals or Twilight crossed-over with The Originals...If you guys have any ideas of what you would like to read than go for it but if I haven't seen it I will either watch it or explain why I can't/Won't do it.

Thanks again.

Love you guys xx


Bruised, Broken and Tortured (Avengers)---UNDER EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora