Chapter 21: Baby names.

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A small amount of time has passed, although for Danni that feels like an eternity.  She is now four months pregnant and to say the baby was active was a huge understatement. The theory is that because both parents have something unnatural in their blood that the baby is trying to adjust to it so it's moving about alot and keeping Danni up. 

Steve and Danni were just talking in the kitchen, about everything, mainly about Steve's time in the forties when they heard shouting and screaming coming from the living room. Looking at each other for a millisecond, they rush out towards the noise, Danni protectively holding her stomach. They reach the source of the noise and sign in relief. Clint, Natasha and Bucky were playing Mario Cart and from the look of the screen, Clint wasn't doing so well-he was last place. 

Seeing them, Bucky ran over laughing while Clint was shouting profanities. He quickly greeted Steve, who offered to take his place, passed him the controller and guided Danni towards the kitchen, to talk about something he was beyond excited about. 

"So, I wanted to talk about something, about the baby..." Bucky says slowly, hoping Danni catches on with what he wants. 

"About the baby?" Danni repeats, clearly not getting the message.

Bucky opens his mouth to respond but never got to as Indigo came in. "Hi, Momma. Hi, Daddy." She headed over to her mother and faced so she would be level with Danni's stomach, "Hi, baby." 

Smiling at the sweetness of the greeting, those who can reply do so. " Aunt Nat, Uncle Steve and Uncle Clint are in there, " Bucky pointed towards the entrance to the living room, where the shouts were still heard, "playing Mario Cart if you want to join them." He turned towards Danni after hears the slapping sound of Indigo's footsteps. "Baby names." 

Danni turns back to Bucky, after turning to watch their daughter leave, "Huh?" she went back to their conversation, moment before, "Oh, right, yeah. Sorry. Baby names."

Bucky sees her smile, "Why are you smiling?" He asks.

"We're having a baby. Even after these months, it still seems so unreal." She laughs in disbelief, still trying to wrap her mind around it. 

For the next couple of hours, they discuss potential baby names. Bucky and Elle had come up with five names and as the pregnancy would go on they would begin to cut some of them out until only two were left for a boy and two for a girl so they can have options in a later time. 

After announcing that they had chosen four potential baby names they made everyone swear not to try and get them out of the couple. There was a little bit of arguing about it but in the end Bucky and Danni won them over. 

Looking around at their family, Bucky hadn't felt more at home or in a family environment than he did right now. He loved where he was and he loved the people he was spending time with, even Tony and Sam.  


Hey guys!

So as you can tell, I won't be spilling the baby actual baby names until the birth but you are welcome to guess, they have meaning to certain people so go from the movies.

There are four chapters after this one and I'm am so upset that I'm almost finished but I have almost finished the first chapter to MLB so be looking out for an update. I don't know when I will publish it but I am pretty busy this week so I might miss next update.

-18-05-19 So, I might have been a very bad author, so I am apologising. I have been so busy and so I decided to update but I probably won't make the next one so sorry.

-Lili x

Bruised, Broken and Tortured (Avengers)---UNDER EDITINGWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt