Chapter 14: First Birthday.

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It's been four months since that date and since then they have been on several more, that have turned out in both good and bad ways. They went to theme parks and park to haunted houses and watching movies together.

Everyone has been moving in a frenzy, trying to get everything together for Indigo's first birthday. They were having it in the shared living space - Tony's request - because apparently everywhere else is too small. Balloons of all colours lined the place, with blankets and toys for Indigo to play with. A huge pile of presents cover a corner, ranging from all sizes and shapes.

Clint ran to grab Indigo while everyone did the finishing touches. Tony had JARVIS filming everything so that they could show Indi when she got older. Finishing the decoration, they all gathered towards the middle of the room after hearing Clint's fast footsteps and Indigo's adorable giggling. 

Eventually, with the help of her parents, Indigo opened all her presents and was now playing with a few bears bought by Tony and Pepper. Natasha and Clint brought multiple blankets, Bruce, Sam and Peter brought her various, cute outfits. Wanda and Vision were travelling, but sent their birthday wishes but also brought her some playground toys. Danielle gave her a locket, that was from her mother, that she would have to hang on her mobile until she was older.  Bucky had a surprise for both Danielle and Indigo so his present would be given later. 

Moving on to the food, Indigo clearly learnt well from her Uncles as she managed to start a food-fight. Throwing her cake at Tony, who realised he couldn't throw it back at a baby, decided to throw it at the first person who laughed at him. Clint, being the next victim decided to start shooting at everyone and the next thing you know, everyone is breathing heavily, covered head to toe in cake and Indigo is laughing. 

Clearing everything up, they decided top watch a couple movies before heading to bed. Most of them were princess movies as Indigo was obsessed with Disney.  They managed to watch Cinderella, Aladdin and Frozen before Indigo was about to fall asleep.

Picking her up, Danni headed towards their shared room before being stopped by Bucky. 

"Come on." He gestured them to follow towards one of their unused rooms, making Elle even more confused. 

"Okay." Dragging the word out, she followed him.

When Bucky opened the door, Danni was speechless. The once empty room had became a nursery. Looking around, she saw it was a very 'indigo' styled room. It wasn't too girly but enough so that it was perfect for their daughter. 

Under the window was the crib, that was a deep purple theme to it. It had a purple net curtain draped over it with a piece of wood holding it up. The floor was covered in a carpet with various purples and blues spread across it. A rug laid in the centre of the room, that was a beautiful teal blue. A toy box sat in the corner of the room with toys over flowing it. In another corner sat many teddies, all huddled together. 

The only thing coming to Danni's mind was how perfect this room was, how much work Bucky had put into, not only the room but also keeping it from her. She realised that he couldn't have done this alone so she mentally thanked whoever else was involved and silently prayed that what she had wouldn't go away. 

She had a family now and she was going to fight for it. Even if it kills her. 


CHAPTER 14 IS FINISHED!!! Thank god for that. 

Sorry it's short, but with things like this chapter there isn't mush to write. I have the next chapter ready so hopefully they will come weekly.

Thank you guys so much as we are almost at 700 views with this story and people have been talking to me about how they enjoy this story and I am very thankful.

As you might have seen, I have a new story on my Profile. I haven't started any chapters on it yet but if you want to check out the description and see if you might like it you are welcome to do so. 

Also the cover for this story was made by my amazing cousin @CauleyD he did amazing and I hope you like it. 


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