Chapter 2: Why me???

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She doesn't know how much time has past...

All she does know is that the time that had passed has been full of agonising experiments, beating and days that never seem to end. 

The experiments she endures last hours and have given her abilities she doesn't want. They gave her marks she hates. There destroying any chance of her escaping, to live a normal life, and starting over. 

Danielle remembers nothing of her previous life. All she has ever known is being hit and being a lab rat. She hates it. She hates all of it.

But she doesn't wish to go back in time to try and prevent it from happening. She knows if she did (all though it most likely impossible), she would never be as strong as she is now, she would never know to be not afraid of the dark but what lurks within it. That's where the real monsters hide. She knows that in life you can't trust anyone.

Looking around her cell through the haze of the final injections she had been injected with she took note of the things in holds as there is nothing more to do. Her eyes skimmed everything in her 'room' landing on some of the very few objects provided for her. A simple mattress to sleep on, no bed-frame, no pillows and only an extremely thin sheet to use as a blanket. A wall with chains for any 'difficult' days she has when she thinks she has a chance to fight back and fails. The three walls are a simple grey stone, cracked and chipped in many spots. One wall has a huge area where there are rusted bars, the once silver surface now a brown-reddish colour.  A small bowl of food that barely keeps her going, lay, untouched, on the floor,

She hears a commotion going on through the halls of where ever she is. She shakily stands up while using the wall as support, she gradually made her way to the sound, gripping the bars with whats left of her strength. She spots her daily guards rushing off down the hall but they immediately get hit with something that looks like a shield. 

Danielle realised she can't make out what it was due to her vision going blurry. She tried to stay conscious but couldn't. She began to drop on the floor and the last thing she could see was a blur on red, white and blue before her vision went dark.



That's the first thing Danielle could hear as she woke in an unfamiliar room. As her eyes opened she started looking around from her position on the hospital bed. It's an all white room with a glass door on the left that leads out of the room in to a ( *Gasp, acting so surprised*) white dimly lit hallway leading to who knows where. Hospital equipment scattered across the desks, also white,on the opposite side of the door. 

The heart monitor started beeping more constantly as Danielle got more panicked with the new surroundings. Her palms got clammy, her breaths uneven and her eye sight fading to black. She snapped herself out of it, realising it isn't the time to panic. 

She started to take the needle, attached to her right arm, out. She sat up in the bed as the monitor to her right started going haywire. She stood up slowly, not waning a repeat of what happened at the HYDRA facility. Hearing fast footsteps approaching the room she had take temporary residence she stood up and moved to the furthest corner from the door.

 (A/N: The mist is like Wanda's but purple, the mist and wings are some of Danielle's powers)

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 (A/N: The mist is like Wanda's but purple, the mist and wings are some of Danielle's powers)

A purple mist circled her hand, crawling up her arms and her wings solidified from her tattoo(A/N: tattoo up top), just as several people burst through the door. Certain people she was taught to hate and fear. Certain people she was made to destroy. The avengers ( Steve, Tony, Bruce, Bucky, Natasha, Clint, Sam and Thor) started looking around until they spotted her in the corner. Her powers on full show for them all to see.

Steve took it upon him self to try and calm her down. Cautiously walking forward he said in a gentle tone " It's alright, we just wanna help you." While slowly continuing to walk forward.

Danielle said nothing, the only indication she had been watching was the fact that the mist was growing and you could see how tense she was. She studied them all individually, analysing each of their movements, every one of their weak spots ready for a fight.

Bucky, understanding what she was doing, started walking so he stood next to Steve.  " We're not gonna hurt you. We just want to make sure there isn't any thing else wrong with your health" He announced, already knowing she was extremely malnourished. She broke her defensive stance, still wary of the people and retracted her wings while making the purple mist disappear.

Not sure what would happen to her next she kept an eye on everyone in the room as she walked to the bed she was previously placed. Bruce walked towards the chair near the bed while showing her he wasn't going to harm her. "I'm going to take some blood to run a few tests , if that's okay?" Bruce asked as he took a seat in the chair opposite Danielle while holding a needle. 

Slowly everyone in the room took a seat or got more comfortable from where they were standing, including Danielle who took a seat on the bed next to her. " Where am I?" Was the first thing they had heard her say as Bruce cleaned the spot on her arm where the needle was going to be inserted. Everyone looked at each other not expecting her to talk or an English accent coming out of her mouth.

The first person to snap out of the shock that she spoke was Tony so he answered " You're at Avengers Tower." And after a moment of hesitation he asked " Can you tell us your name?"

"Danielle, my name's Danielle." 



Chapter 2. I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as i had trouble writing it. I wanna get quite a few chapter on before I decide how often I'm going to write and publish chapters. Please comment your opinions and ideas you have to help improve my story. 

Thank you @-venuzx for all the support and tips you gave me. If any one wants a good Avengers story go and read her Tony Stark's Daughter story. I was amazing and I was hooked immediately.

-Lili xx 

Bruised, Broken and Tortured (Avengers)---UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now